Mericarps c. 20, 2–3-seeded, the dorsal apical angle triangular-pointed to shortly awned, the back and a narrow zone along the upper edge with more or less pilose hairs, the lateral flat sides finely stellate-pubescent.
Herb or soft-wooded shrub, 0·75–1·5 m. tall, annual or biennial, softly velutinous; stems terete, green or grey-green to olive, branched from the base, the older parts glabrescent and somewhat woody.
Calyx 15–17 mm. long, cupuliform, not much accrescent in fruit, lobed a little beyond the middle; lobes triangular to ovate-lanceolate, attenuate-acuminate into a sharp apex.
Soft-wooded shrub or herb, 0.75-1.50 m high. Pedicels up to 80 mm long. Calyx 15-17 mm long, cupuliform. Fruit densely stellate-pilose and stellate-pubescent. Flowers yellow.
Fruit c. 13 × 20 mm., depressed-globose, truncate to shallowly umbilicate, softly stellate-pilose and shortly stellate-pubescent.
Seeds c. 2 × 1·75 mm., punctate-lepidote, glabrous except for a tuft of hairs near the hilum.
Flowers axillary on main branches; pedicels up to 8 cm. long, articulated in the upper 11 mm.
Staminal tube velutinous towards the base.
Petals 15–20 mm. long, yellow.