Mericarps 10–20 (often 12–16), 7·5–9 × 4–5 mm., 3-seeded, rounded at the back and at the somewhat narrowed base, convex to obliquely truncate at the apex, toothed to shortly awned at the dorsal apical angle, 7·5–9 mm. long and 4–5 mm. broad measured across the large ventral tooth, the back and apical parts of lateral faces grey-velutinous.
Flowers yellow or pale yellow, solitary, mainly in upper axils of terminal and side-branches, often forming pseudo-racemes or pseudo-panicles because the upper leaves are usually small; pedicels usually under 3 cm. long (in fruit under 5 cm. long), articulated and usually more or less geniculate at or above the middle.
Soft-wooded shrub (probably annual) up to 1–5 m. tall, erect, usually not much branched, with a usually yellowish but occasionally dull-greyish-green dense short stellate-subvelutinous indumentum; stems terete or sometimes ± angular when very young, sulcate or ribbed, sometimes pilose towards the base.
Calyx 6–8 mm. long, cupuliform, lobed to about the middle; lobes ovate, acute to acuminate, often more or less apiculate or with a short narrow acumen, ciliate and distinctly mid-veined.
Soft-wooded shrub, 1.5 m high. Pedicels up to 30(-50) mm long. Calyx 6-8 mm long. Fruit velutinous. Mericarps 12-16, apex toothed to shortly awned. Flowers yellow or pale yellow.
Fruit c. 10 × 12–14 mm., subcylindrical-semiglobose, concave and umbilicate at the apex.
Petals c. 13 mm. long, glabrous except for the ciliate narrow base.
Seeds c. 2 × 1·5 mm., finely verruculose.
Staminal tube glabrous.