Spreading shrub commonly 2–4 m high, occasionally tree to 8 m, rarely prostrate. Bark fissured, grey-brown. New shoots resinous, rusty-brown, glabrous. Branchlets slightly flattened at extremities becoming terete, glabrous, grey or reddish, often pruinose. Phyllodes commonly straight and dimidiately elliptic to narrowly elliptic or ovate-elliptic but sometimes slightly subfalcately recurved, infrequently straight and symmetrically broad-elliptic, 6–12 (–16) cm long, (14–) 20–40 (–50) mm wide, glabrous, green or pruinose, with 3–5 prominent longitudinal veins, the minor veins numerously anastomosing to form a distinct, net-like reticulum comprising ± oblong to narrowly oblong (rarely isodiametric), longitudinal nerve-islands; gland basal, obscure. Inflorescences 1–2 (–3) per axil, simple or occasionally a few short-racemose; peduncles glabrous, scurfy, spikes 2–4.5 cm long, flowers densely arranged, yellow. Flowers 5-merous; calyx deeply lobed, villous; ovary pubescent. Pods narrowly oblong to oblong, straight, 2.5–7.5 cm long, 9–15 mm wide, ±flat, longitudinally furrowed when dry, glabrous, often pruinose. Seeds transverse to oblique, broadly elliptic, laterally compressed, 6–7 mm long, black; pleurogram lateral, with indistinct halo; areole oblong-elliptic, open.