Shrub to 1.5 m tall, erect, spindly. Branchlets terete, brown, yellowish towards apices, finely nerved, densely tomentose. Phyllodes closely pressed to stems, linear, flat, 2–4.5 cm long, 2–3 (–5) mm wide, with curved 1–3 mm long apical seta, softly puberulous, with 1 prominent main nerve; minor nerves 4 per mm, parallel, not anastomosing; gland 1, basal, 1–1.5 mm above pulvinus. Peduncles 6–12 mm long. Spikes 2.5–3 cm long, dense. Flowers 5-or rarely 6-merous, markedly pale golden-(later white-) tomentose; calyx 1–1.3 mm long, dissected to ⅔ of length; corolla 1.5 mm long, dissected to ½–⅔ of length. Pods narrowly oblong, almost straight-sided, straight to shallowly curved, 4.5–6 cm long, 7–10 mm wide, densely golden-(later white-) tomentose, appearing greenish yellow. Seeds oblique, ±oblong, 4.5–5 mm long, black; pleurogram obscure, with pale halo.