Tree 2.5-5 m high, obconical. Bark fibrous, fissured, grey. New shoots pale citron-sericeous. Branchlets glabrous. Phyllodes widely spreading, linear, falcate, (9-) 15-20 cm long, 3-6 mm wide, acuminate to delicate tip, not rigid, glabrous, finely striate with central nerve more evident than the rest. Inflorescences rudimentary 2-headed racemes with axes > 0.5 mm long; peduncles 1-3 mm long, puberulous but hairs often sparse; spikes c. 15 mm long, c. 5 mm diam., pale yellow. Flowers 4-merous; sepals free, linear-spathulate. Pods linear, flat but rounded over and slightly constricted between seeds, to 11.5 cm long, 8-11 mm wide, firmly chartaceous to thinly coriaceous, glabrous. Seeds oblique to longitudinal, compressed-globose, 5-6 mm diam., dull, grey-brown; funicle membranous, flat; aril small.