Shrub 0.5–2.5 m high, glabrous. Branchlets ± flattened, later angular, maroon-brown, grey when older, usually pruinose; ridges prominent. Phyllodes narrowly oblong, elliptic to narrowly ovate-elliptic, often oblique, mostly 3–6.5 cm long, 7–30 mm wide, with retuse or rounded apex, coriaceous, stiff, green or subglaucous, with 3 prominent longitudinal main veins (2 reaching the apex and base, the third confluent with lower margin near base) usually with 4 subprominent parallel veins (the 2 outer not reaching apex or base); minor veins 1–3 per mm, anastomosing; gland 1, basal, sometimes absent. Peduncles mostly 10–20 mm long. Spikes (0.6–) 1–2 cm long, yellow. Flowers 5-merous; calyx 0.4–0.6 mm long, dissected for ¼–⅖, glabrous or sometimes fimbriolate; corolla 1.3–1.9 mm long, dissected for ½–⅔, glabrous; ovary glabrous. Pods narrowly elliptic or oblanceolate to elliptic, straight-sided, straight to curved, flat, 3.4–5.8 cm long, often dark purplish-or reddish-brown and slightly pruinose, obliquely veined, opening and curling back from apex; margins subprominent; seed-partitions thick. Seeds oblique, oblong-elliptic, 4–5 mm long, dark brown; areole open; funicle-aril narrowly conical.
Grows in gravelly red earth or shallow sandy soil, in open eucalypt forest or woodland or scrub with Acacia spp. and Triodia, on sandstone, granite or metamorphic rocks.