Shrub 1–3 m high, spreading, multistemmed, oldest plants sometimes with a Snakewood growth form. Branchlets sometimes glabrous but normally sericeous at extremities and glabrescent. Phyllodes patent to slightly ascending, narrowly elliptic to oblong-elliptic, straight to shallowly curved, 8–13.5 cm long, 1–2 cm wide, obtuse to acute, thickly coriaceous, subrigid, minutely sericeous, dark green to subglaucous with a silvery sheen, with about 4–6 widely spaced, prominent main longitudinal veins and longitudinally anastomosing minor veins between them; glands 1–3, with lowermost 1–4.5 mm above pulvinus. Inflorescences simple, 1 to several per axil; peduncles 5–12 mm long, glabrous or (especially in bud) appressed-hairy; spikes 20–25 mm long, 6 mm diam., dense, golden; bracteoles with a short stipe and ±triangular concave blade. Flowers 5‑merous; sepals ½–¾-united; calyx tube glabrous. Pods pendent, linear, narrowly winged, not raised over or constricted between seeds, straight to slightly curved, to 15 cm long, 7–12 mm wide, woody, glabrous, drying yellowish brown and slightly wrinkled; margins with a narrow vertical winged. Seeds longitudinal, broadly elliptic to subcircular, 5–5.5 mm long, dull, brown; funicle ribbon-like; aril subterminal.
Grows with spinifex in gently undulating, low rocky hills (often associated with seasonally dry watercourses), in shallow sand, sandy loam or clay-loam (pH 7–8.5) over granite or quartz. Common associates are Acacia hilliana and A. stellaticeps. It is locally common, sometimes forming extensive thickets.