Slender shrub. Branchlets angular, moderately to densely pubescent-villous. Phyllodes narrowly oblong-elliptic to linear, flat, straight or slightly falcate, (3–) 4–6 cm long, 2–4 mm wide, with straight or oblique mucro c. 1 mm long, stiff, with numerous stomata, sparsely to moderately pubescent; nerves 6-10, ±parallel, longitudinal, ±equally prominent, 3–6 per mm, not anastomosing; gland small with an oblong, or elliptic or slit-like orifice, just above pulvinus, rarely a second gland below the mucro; pulvinus densely pubescent. Spikes ?7–12 mm long. Flowers 5-merous; calyx cupular, c. 0.8 mm long, dissected to c. ⅓, ciliolate; corolla nearly glabrous, about twice length of calyx; ovary hirsute. Pods not seen.