Shrub or tree to 4 m high. Bark ‘Minni Ritchi’, dark red. Branchlets angular; ridges scarcely pubescent. Phyllodes linear, slightly tapering towards base, curved, 3.5–6.5 (–9) cm long, (0.5) 1–2 (–4) mm wide, terminated by a subsetose point at apex, thin-textured and not rigid, with yellowish appressed hairs, indistinctly multiveined with central vein the most prominent; lenticels prominent; gland 0.4–3 mm above pulvinus. Spikes 2–4 cm long, dense, bright yellow, flowers subdensely arranged. Flowers 5‑merous; calyx very reduced, less than ¼ length of corolla, gamosepalous, dissected to c. ½, fimbriolate; corolla c. 1.5 mm long, dissected to c. ½, glabrous. Pods linear, constricted between and rounded over seeds, 4–9 cm long, 4–5 mm wide, greenish brown, obscurely reticulate, villous especially when young, viscid. Seeds longitudinal, oblong-elliptic, compressed, brown to black; areole small, dark, surrounded by a closed pleurogram and wide, pale halo.