Tree 2–6 (–12) m high. Bark smooth, silvery or grey. Branchlets terete but angled towards apices, glabrous, occasionally appressed-puberulous, purplish black or reddish brown, often lightly pruinose; ridges to 0.5 mm high. Young foliage-tips yellowish-pubescent or greenish when less hairy. Leaves ± coriaceous, dark green, paler beneath; petiole above pulvinus (0.1–) 0.5–1.6 cm long, grey-puberulous or glabrous, usually with a gland at or near basal pinnae; rachis 2–11.5 cm long, densely puberulous or glabrous, with prominent, brown pouch-like jugary glands; interjugary glands rare; pinnae 6–26 pairs, mostly 1–3 cm long, with lower pinnae smaller; pinnules 9–34 pairs, closely spaced, narrowly oblong to oblong or obovate, 1–2.5 mm long, 0.4–0.8 (–1) mm wide, minutely tuberculate, ciliate otherwise glabrous or with a few minute hairs, subacute, truncate, emarginate or broadly rounded at apex. Inflorescences in axillary racemes, or mostly in axillary or terminal false-panicles. Heads globular, 12–20 (–30)-flowered, golden. Pods straight-sided to variably and irregularly constricted between seeds, 3–8.5 cm long, 9–20 mm wide, thinly coriaceous, purplish blue or reddish brown, often ± pruinose, sparsely puberulous or glabrous.
Can be grown by cuttings or seedlings. Seeds needs soaking.