Shrub 0.3-1 m high. Branchlets coarsely pungent, finely appressed-puberulous. Leaves ±glabrous; pinnae 1 pair, 1.5-2.5 mm long; petiole to 0.5 mm long; pinnules mostly 2 pairs, oblong to obovate, 2-5 mm long, 1-2 mm wide, asymmetrically narrowed at apex, slightly thickened, green to subglaucous. Inflorescences rudimentary 1-headed racemes with axes > 0.5 mm long; peduncles 4-10 mm long, glabrous; heads globular, 10-13-flowered, pale yellow. Flowers 5-merous; sepals 1/2-2/3-united. Pods 2-3 cm long, 3-4 mm wide, very thinly coriaceous, finely appressed-puberulous. Seeds oblong to elliptic, 2-2.5 mm long, glossy.
Grows in laterite or sand over laterite in tall, sometimes open, shrubland, usually dominated by mallee species.