Somewhat open shrub 1-4 m high. Branchlets thick, angled at extremities, pruinose, glabrous. Phyllodes on obvious stem-projections, with lower edge often continuous and forming very narrow wings with branchlets, elliptic to obovate, 6-11 cm long, 30-70 mm wide, oblique at base, ±undulate, obtuse to subacute, coriaceous, glaucous, glabrous, 1-nerved per face, finely penninerved; gland 2-6 cm above pulvinus. Inflorescences racemose; raceme axes 3-8 (-15) cm long, appressed-puberulous with golden hairs to glabrous; peduncles 3-7 mm long, with indumentum as on raceme axes; heads obloid to globular, 35-55-flowered, golden; bracteoles golden-fimbriolate. Flowers 5-merous; calyx gamosepalous. Pods narrowly oblong, ±rounded over seeds, to 14 cm long but often shorter, c. 1 cm wide, firmly chartaceous, pruinose, glabrous. Seeds longitudinal, oblong to elliptic, 5-6 mm long, slightly shiny, black; funicle encircling seed in single or double fold, dark red-brown; aril clavate.