Obconical open shrub to 1.5–2 m high; branches erect or curving upwards. Branchlets rarely slightly pruinose; glabrous or sparsely hairy. Phyllodes widely spreading and rotated to 45º–75º (–90º) from branchlet or sometimes coplanar, broadly elliptic or sometimes orbicular to broadly obovate, 12–16 (–22) mm long, 6–12 (–15) mm wide, l: w = 1.2–2, grey-green to green, sparsely hairy, sometimes glabrous; base oblique, obtuse or less often acute; margin normally slightly undulate; apex obtuse (mucro uncinate), sometimes acuminate or acute; gland mostly inserted to 3 mm above pulvinus. Inflorescences with patent or inclined peduncles, (6–) 7–11 (–16) mm long, longer than floral phyllodes, 0.4–0.6 mm diam., sparsely hairy or glabrous; heads (7–) 8–9 mm diam., 20–32-flowered, yellow to deep yellow. Corolla glabrous or with few hairs. Pods oblong, mostly curved, 35–80 mm long, 16–20 mm wide, firmly coriaceous, dull dark brown; margin usually undulate, sometimes markedly so.
Usually on well-drained stony sandy loams derived from Narrabeen sandstones, in various woodland types, as well as in cleared and disturbed areas.