Many-stemmed, flat-topped shrub 0.5–5 m high. Bark smooth, greenish grey. Branchlets ± terete, glabrous or with spreading hairs to 0.2 mm long. Young foliage-tips whitish or cream-coloured. Leaves subcoriaceous, blue-green; petiole above pulvinus 0.3–1 (–1.5) cm long, ± terete, finely ridged, glabrous or hairy, with a raised, orbicular gland at base of or near lowest pair of pinnae; rachis 0.5–3 cm long, ±terete, mostly with a small orbicular gland at base of uppermost pinnae; interjugary glands absent; pinnae (1–) 2–4 pairs, 1–4.5 cm long; pinnules 4–12 pairs, cultrate to oblong, sometimes ±lanceolate or obovate, (3–) 4–10 (–13) mm long, 1.5–3 (–4) mm wide, with a prominent percurrent vein and 2 shorter veins not reaching margin, glabrous or with long, spreading, white hairs, obtuse, markedly mucronulate. Inflorescences in axillary racemes or terminal false-panicles; axes often ±zig-zagged. Heads 20–35-flowered, golden. Pods ±moniliform, often twisted, 4–11 cm long, 3.5–8 (–10) mm wide, subcoriaceous, purplish brown to blackish brown, with long spreading hairs to glabrous; margins often incurved alternately around the seeds.
Can be grown by seedlings. Seeds needs soaking.