Erect shrub or tree 4–15 (–18) m high. Bark grey, smooth, becoming rough and corrugated. Branchlets terete or slightly angled, white-to golden-villous; ridges c. 0.2 mm high. Young foliage-tips golden, velvety. Leaves herbaceous, soft, greenish grey to dark green; petiole above pulvinus 0.1–0.5 cm long, terete, eglandular; rachis 2–11 cm long, terete, usually with globose, villous glands at base of (or sometimes between) upper 2–10 pairs of pinnae; pinnae (6–) 9–25 pairs, (0.5–) 1–4 cm long, with lower pinnae shorter than others; pinnules (8–) 16–40 pairs, ± narrowly oblong or oblong-elliptic, 1–2.5 (–3) mm long, 0.4–0.6 (–0.8) mm wide, with 1 submedian vein, clothed especially above with golden or white or subglabrous, loosely appressed hairs, acute or obtuse. Inflorescences in axillary racemes, or terminal or axillary false-panicles. Heads globular, 10–20-flowered, pale to deep yellow. Pods submoniliform, 2–7.5 cm long, 4–8 mm wide, subcoriaceous, dark blue or brownish black, often slightly pruinose.
Grows in moist gullies, on alluvial flats or mountainsides, often near creeks, in open or tall open forest, mostly in heavy soils.