Spreading shrub 1–2.5 m high. Branchlets glabrous with prominent raised phyllode-scars. Phyllodes ascending, elliptic to oblanceolate, ± asymmetrical, straight, occasionally slightly curved, 0.9–3 cm long, 2.5–8 mm wide, 2–4.5 times longer than wide, with curved to rostriform (occasionally straight) apiculate tip, rigid, thick, glabrous, with numerous closely parallel, immersed veins; gland 1, near base. Inflorescences simple, 2 per axil; peduncles 6–15 mm long, glabrous; heads globular, 2.5–5 mm diam., 18 or 19-flowered, golden. Flowers 5-merous; sepals and petals free. Pods narrowly oblong, slightly raised over but not constricted between seeds, scarcely undulate, straight to curved, sometimes circinnate, to 4.5 cm long, 5–7 mm wide, coriaceous, glabrous. Seeds oblique, broadly elliptic, 2.5–3 mm long, subglossy, dark brown-black; aril large, terminal.