Annual herb, 0.2-0.5 m high; stems sparingly branched from base, sulcate, pubescent or glabrous. Leaves membranous, long-petioled, ovate, subacute or acute, base slightly cordate or rounded, margins crenate, 19.1-31.8 x 12.7-25.4 mm; stipules subulate, pilose, caducous. Inflorescences male lateral; female terminal on same branch. Male spikes axillary, solitary, capitate on slender, puberulous peduncles; bracts minute, subulate. Female spikes solitary, widely cylindric or oblong; bracts leafy, widely ovate, acuminate. Female flowers sepals 3, lanceolate, acute, sparingly hairy; styles 3, slender, free to base, undivided or sparingly laciniate; ovary 3-lobed, sparingly pubescent in upper half. Flowering time Dec.-Apr. Seeds ovoid, smooth.
Monoecious, softly hairy annual to 50 cm. Leaves long-petioled, ovate, toothed. Flowers in unisexual, axillary spikes, females crowded terminally in short spikes with leafy, laciniate bracts.