Leaf blades 1–13 × 0.5–7.5 cm, elliptic-ovate to lanceolate, acute or obtuse at the apex, crenate to crenate-serrate on the margin, rounded to cordulate at the base, chartaceous, 5-nerved from the base, sparingly to evenly pubescent on both surfaces; lateral nerves in 3–6 pairs.
Female flowers sessile; sepals 3, c. 0.5 mm long, ovate-lanceolate, subglabrous; ovary c. 1 mm in diameter, somewhat 3-lobed, glabrous or sericeous-hispid in the upper half; styles 3–5 mm long, free, slender, pectinately lacinulate, maroon or crimson.
Male racemes up to 9 cm long, solitary, axillary, yellow-green, pink-tinged, shortly pedunculate or subsessile, occasionally terminating in a mass of female flowers, rarely with one or two female flowers at the base or halfway up.
A many-stemmed lax pubescent or puberulous shrub or subshrub up to 2 m high, or an erect or procumbent suffrutex with annual stems arising from a woody stock.
Male flowers very shortly pedicellate; buds quadrangular-subglobose, minute, sparingly pubescent, pinkish; anthers white.
Petioles 0.2–5 cm long, often with a number of stipelliform glands at the apex.
Fruits c. 2–3 × 2–3 mm, somewhat 3-lobed, glabrous or pubescent.
Seeds 2 × 1 mm, ovoid, smooth, shiny, dark purplish-brown.
Plants monoecious or sometimes apparently dioecious.
Stipules 1.5–3 mm long, filiform.