Achyranthes aspera L.

Devil's horsewhip (en)


Angiosperms > Caryophyllales > Amaranthaceae > Achyranthes


Perennial herb (sometimes woody and somewhat suffrutescent), occasionally flowering in the first year, 0.2–2 m., stiffly erect to subscandent or straggling and ± prostrate, simple to much branched, stems stout to very weak, distinctly to obscurely 4-angled, striate or sulcate, subglabrous to densely tomentose, the nodes ± shrunken when dry.. Leaves elliptic, oblong or ovate, acute or acuminate to almost round and very obtuse, gradually or abruptly narrowed below, (2–)5–22(–28) × 1.3–8(–10) cm., indumentum varying from subglabrous through subglabrous above and densely appressed-canescent below to ± densely tomentose on both surfaces; petioles of main stem leaves 3–25(–30) mm., shortening above and below.. Inflorescences at first dense, finally elongating to (5–)8–34(–40) cm., peduncles (0.6–)1–6(–7.5) cm.. Bracts lanceolate or narrowly deltoid-lanceolate, pale or brownish-membranous, 1.75–5(–6) mm., glabrous.. Bracteoles 1.5–4.5(–6) mm., the basal wings 1/3–1/4 the length of the spine and ± adnate to it (sometimes free above or tearing free), typically tapering off above but not rarely rounded or truncate.. Perianth whitish or pale green to red or purple; segments 5, 3–7(–10) mm., the outer pair longest, narrowly lanceolate to lanceolate, very acute, with a distinct midrib and 2 obscure to distinct lateral nerves, narrowly or moderately pale-margined.. Stamens 5, the filaments 1.5–4.5(–6) mm., alternating with subquadrate pseudostaminodes; typically the apex of the latter curves slightly inwards as a narrow, crenate or entire, often very delicate flap, while from the dorsal surface arises afimbriate-ciliate scale extending across the width of the pseudostaminode; not rarely, however, this is reduced to a “stag’s-horn” process at the centre of the dorsal surface or a shallow, dentate rim, or even becomes small and filiform – or else subapical or apical so that the pseudostaminode appears simple (this usually in small forms of var. sicula).. Style slender, 1–4(–6) mm.. Capsule oblong-ovoid, 1–3(–5) mm.. Seed filling the capsule, oblong-ovoid, smooth.
Erect rather stiff herb ¼-1¼ m high, usually branched from near the base; branches obliquely erect or ascending; stem angular-ribbed, thickened above the nodes, hard, more or less densely hairy. Leaves oval-obovate or elliptic-oblong, from an acute or obtuse base, acuminate or not, acute, obtuse or rounded, entire, flat or more or less wavy, more or less densely hairy or, barring the nerves, glabrous or subglabrous, 1¼-10 cm by ¾-5¼ cm; petiole ½-1½ cm. Spikes terminal, erect, 10-75 ½-15 cm peduncle included); rachis rather robust, stiff, angular-ribbed, more or less densely clothed with appressed or more or less patent, rather long white hairs; bracts long-acuminate, not pungent, 2-3½ mm long, before anthesis erect, afterwards spreading, at last quite reflexed as often is the fruiting perianth also, ± silvery; bracteoles appressed against base of perianth. Spines 2¾-4½ mm, shining, often tinged with purple, sharp; basal wings almost throughout their length adnate to spine but most easily separating from it, 1½-2 mm long. Tepals ovate-lanceolate, very acute, green with pale margins, with 3 or more rather strong nerves, during anthesis 3½-5½ mm long, afterwards up to 4½-6½ mm, hardening and becoming pungent. Filaments (staminal cup included) 2¼-3½ mm; pseudo-staminodes truncate or crenulate, just below the apex with a dorsal long-fringed scale far exceeding the top of the pseudo-staminode itself; ovary turbinate; style 1-2 mm. Utricle rounded at the base, 2½-2¾ mm long.
Herb 0.3–1.5 (–2) m high. Leaves: petiole 2–20 (–27) mm long; lamina ovate to elliptic to lanceolate, (10–) 22–144 (–155) mm long, (5–) 10–67 (–77) mm wide, base cuneate to attenuate, margin entire, apex acute to obtuse, rarely acuminate; dark to olive green above, light green to cream below, hairs dense to covering veins on underside only. Inflorescence a spike, usually terminal, (5–) 10–25 (–40) cm long; peduncle (1–) 4–10 cm long; bract ovate to broadly ovate, 2–3.5 mm long, glabrous. Bracteole wings elliptic to ovate or broader, fused to vein, 1–2.2 mm long; vein extrudes as spinescent tip 1.3–3.1 mm long; margins with a few short hairs. Tepals 5, narrowly ovate to lanceolate, green to yellowish; apex acute, not spinescent, 3.5–7.1 mm long, 1.1–1.9 mm wide; margins with a few short hairs. Stamens: filaments 1.1–2.7 mm long; anthers 0.45–0.8 mm long; pseudostaminodes rectangular, 0.7–1.3 mm long, 0.4–0.9 mm high, with apex covered by a fimbriate appendage 0.5–1 mm long. Style 0.7–2.2 mm long. Fruit an indehiscent utricle, cylindrical, 2–3 mm long, 1–1.8 mm wide. Seed ellipsoid to cylindrical, 1.8–2.6 mm long, 1–1.7 mm wide, light to reddish brown, smooth with round cells.
Herb to 1 m, whitish-pubescent, becoming somewhat woody at base; stems obscurely angled, purplish. Leaf-blade lanceolate, ovate, oblong, elliptical, oblanceolate, suborbicular or orbicular, 0.5-19 x 6 cm, often with undulate margin, apex acuminate or rounded, sometimes apiculate, dark green and pubescent above, lighter green and often more densely pubescent below. Spikes to 60 cm long, slender, with lanate axes, sometimes recurved or flexuous at apex; bracts white, hyaline, narrowly lanceolate, ca. 3 mm long; bracteoles purple-tinged, lanceolate, 3-4 mm long, base membranous and suborbicular, central vein protracted into a tawny, subulate, conspicuously indurated to 1.5 mm long awn. Tepals pinkish, brown, purplish or white, lance-elliptical, 3.7-4.5 mm long, apiculate, with hyaline margin; ovary turbinate, thickened and papillate above, stigma unlobed, scarcely enlarged. Utricle truncate at apex, ca. 2 mm long.
Erect or procumbent pubescent annuals or perennials, the usually branched stems to 2 m. long. Leaves scantily to densely pubescent, ovate to orbicular, apically acuminate to rounded, basally cuneate to rounded, 2-25 cm. long, 2-9 cm. broad; petioles 2-25 mm. long. Inflorescences of terminal and axillary pedunculate spikes, 3-40 cm. long, 6-12 mm. broad, the flowers deflexed. Flowers perfect; bracts and bracteoles subequal, 2-3.5 mm. long, ovate, spinescent, the tips rarely arcuate but not uncinate; sepals 4-5. greenish white, subequal, hypogy-nous, obscurely nerved, 4-7 mm. long; stamens 5, united below into a short tube; pseudostaminodia lacerate, exceeded by the 4-locellate anthers; ovary obovoid; style 1, filiform, at anthesis longer than the ovary; stigma 1, capitate. Fruit an indehiscent turbinate utricle; seeds cochleate-orbiculate, reddish brown, about 1 mm. broad.
Herbs perennial, 20-120 cm tall. Stem quadrangular, pubescent; nodes slightly inflated; branches opposite. Petiole 0.5-1.5 cm, somewhat hairy; leaf blade broadly obovate or elliptic-oblong, 1.5-7 × 0.4-4 mm, papery, both surfaces hairy, base cuneate or rounded, margin entire or undulate, apex obtuse, with a mucro. Spikes terminal, erect, reflexed after anthesis, 10-30 cm; rachis angular, stout, densely hairy. Bracts lanceolate, 3-4 mm, apex acuminate; bracteoles spiny, shiny, 2.5-4.5 mm, rigid, base 2-winged; wings 1.5-2 mm, membranous, margin entire. Tepals lanceolate, 3.5-5 mm, with a vein. Stamens 2.5-3.5 mm; pseudostaminodes truncate or crenate at apex, fimbriate and ciliate. Utricles ovoid, 2.5-3 mm. Seeds brown, ovoid, ca. 2 mm. Fl. Jun-Aug, fr. Oct. 2n = 42, 48, 84, 96.
Herb to c. 1 m high. Stems lax, woody at base and ribbed, densely hairy with hairs somewhat appressed. Petioles 5-20 mm long, silky, often pink. Lamina 3-9 × 2-6 cm, broadly ovate, slightly rhomboid, clothed in appressed hairs above and below, silky canescent on young parts, crenulate or crenate, attenuate at base, acute or shortly acuminate. Infl. to 15 cm long; peduncle white-villous. Fls becoming retrorse, often tinged red. Bract c. 3 mm long, ovate, long-acuminate; bracteoles slightly > bract, with broadly scarious base and a long, subulate spine above. Tepals 3-5 mm long, shining, acute, becoming pungent in fr. Fr. 2-2.5 mm long.
Stamens 5, the filaments 1.5–4.5(6) mm. long, alternating with subquadrate pseudostaminodes. Typically the apex of the latter curves slightly inwards as a narrow, crenate or entire, often very delicate flap, while from the dorsal surface arises a fimbriate-ciliate scale extending across the width of the pseudostaminode; not rarely, however, this is reduced to a “stag's horn”process at the centre of the dorsal surface or a shallow, dentate rim, or even becomes small and filiform, or else subapical or apical so that the pseudostaminode appears simple (this usually in small forms of var. sicula).
A coarse rambling annual herb. It has many branches but the branches are not close together. The plant grows 0.5 to 2 m high and spreads 0.5 m across. The stem is erect, hairy and woody. It often has many joints. The leaves are in opposite pairs. The leaves are 6 to 15 cm long, somewhat wedge shaped and slightly hairy and tapering to a point. The flower spikes are 10 to 50 cm long with small green flowers about 5 mm long. The chaffy flowers on long spikes tend to eventually point downwards. They have rigid curved spines near the flower. The seeds attach to clothes.
Plants perennial or annual. Stems 0.4-2 m, pilose or puberulent. Leaf blades elliptic, ovate, or broadly ovate to orbiculate, obovate-orbiculate, or broadly rhombate, 1-20 × 2-6 cm, adpressed-pubescent abaxially and adaxially. Inflorescences to 30 cm; bracts mem-branous; bracteoles long-aristate, spinose; wings attached at sides and base. Flowers: tepals 4 or 5, length 3-7 mm; pseudostaminodes with margins fimbriate at apex, often with dorsal scale. Utricles ± cylindric, 2-4 mm, apex truncate or depressed.
Erect, perennial herb, 0.2-2.0 high, sometimes bushy or scandent, sometimes flowering in first year. Leaves opposite, entire, petiolate. Inflorescence a ± slender, simple or branched, elongated, solitary or fasciculate spike up to 0.3 m long, terminal on stem and branches; flowers at first congested and ± patent, finally usually laxer and deflexed. Flowers bisexual, solitary in axils of bracts; tepals 4 or 5, 1-3(-5)-nerved, narrowly lanceolate. Flowering time July-May. Seed cylindrical.
Leaves elliptic, oblong or ovate, acute or acuminate to almost circular and very obtuse, gradually or abruptly narrowed below, (2)5–22 (28) × 1.3–8 (10) cm., indumentum varying from subglabrous on both surfaces through subglabrous above and densely appressed-canescent below to more or less densely tomentose on both surfaces; petioles of main stem leaves 3–25( 30) mm., shortening above and below.
Perennial herb (sometimes woody and somewhat suffrutescent), occasionally flowering in the first year, 0.2–2 m., stiffly erect to subscandent or straggling and more or less prostrate, simple to much-branched, stems stout to very weak, distinctly to obscurely 4-angled, striate or sulcate, subglabrous to densely tomentose, the nodes more or less shrunken when dry.
Perianth whitish or pale green to red or purple, segments 5, 3–7 (10) mm. long, the outer pair longest, narrowly lanceolate to lanceolate, very acute, with a distinct midrib and 2 obscure to distinct lateral nerves, narrowly or moderately pale-margined.
Bracteoles 1.5–4.5(6) mm., the basal wings one third to one quarter the length of the spine and more or less adnate to it (sometimes free above or tearing free), typically tapering off above but not rarely rounded or truncate.
Shortly hairy, sprawling perennial to 50 cm. Leaves elliptic, often attenuate, pale beneath. Flowers in congested terminal and axillary spikes, nodding, white.
A common weed of waste places, very variable, much-branched, 1–6 ft. high, sometimes subscandent, sometimes woody
Bracts lanceolate or narrowly deltoid-lanceolate, pale or brownish-membranous, 1.75–5(6) mm. long, glabrous.
Inflorescences at first dense, finally elongating to (5)8–34 (40) cm.; peduncles (0.6–1)1–6 (7.5) cm. long.
Seed filling the capsule, oblong-ovoid, smooth.
Capsule oblong-ovoid, 1–3(5) mm. long.
Style slender, 1–4(6) mm. long.
Flowers green or pinkish.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support climber free-standing
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) 0.5
Mature height (meter) 0.9 - 0.95
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color
Fruiting months
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c3


A tropical plant. A native plant of tropical areas. It occurs in waste places at low and medium altitudes in the Philippines. It grows in northern Australia. It prefers moist well drained soils. It can grow in a partly shaded position but is most commonly in full sunshine. It is drought and frost tender. It does best in soils with high organic matter but can grow in sandy areas. It can grow in arid places. It has become common in Papua New Guinea in low altitudes in areas with seasonal climates. It Java it grows up to 300 m above sea levels. In Tanzania it grows up to 3,000 m above sea level and in areas with 700-1,300 mm rainfall.
Open dry places at elevations up to 2,000 metres in Nepal. Secondary regrowth, at forest edges, in thickets, open grassland, along forest trails, seasonal swamps and dried-up watercourses, at elevations up to 3,000 metres in Tanzania.
Open dry places at elevations up to 2,000 metres in Nepal. Secondary regrowth, at forest edges, in thickets, open grassland, along forest trails, seasonal swamps and dried-up watercourses, at elevations up to 3,000 metres in Tanzania.
Sunny dry localities especially in regions with a well-marked dry monsoon: road-sides, waste places, a typical ruderal, 1-2300 m.
Grows in disturbed areas such as roadsides, creek beds and open woodlands or paddocks on a variety of soils.
Light 4-9
Soil humidity 2-5
Soil texture 1-6
Soil acidity 3-7
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-11


The young leaves and seeds are cooked and eaten. They are boiled without salt.
Uses. Rubbed on the body of young children against convulsions.
Rubbed on the body of young children against convulsions.
Uses animal food dye environmental use food food additive gene source magical plant material medicinal non-vertebrate poison oil ruderal plant social use spice tonic vertebrate poison wild vegetable
Edible flowers leaves seeds
Therapeutic use Parasympatholytics (aerial part), Hypolipidemic agents (bark), Cough (flower), Menorrhagia (flower), Rabies (flower), Anti-infective agents (fruit), Bites and stings (fruit), Cough (fruit), Rabies (fruit), Urinary tract infections (fruit), Abdominal pain (leaf), Antipyretics (leaf), Asthma (leaf), Bites and stings (leaf), Blister (leaf), Breast diseases (leaf), Bronchitis (leaf), Cardiovascular system (leaf), Cataract (leaf), Central nervous system diseases (leaf), Cough (leaf), Diarrhea (leaf), Diuretics (leaf), Dysentery (leaf), Dysmenorrhea (leaf), Ear diseases (leaf), Eczema (leaf), Eye diseases (leaf), Eye drops (leaf), Fever (leaf), Furunculosis (leaf), Gonorrhea (leaf), Hemorrhage (leaf), Hemorrhoids (leaf), Hepatomegaly (leaf), Hyperhidrosis (leaf), Insect bites and stings (leaf), Leprosy (leaf), Low back pain (leaf), Lung diseases (leaf), Malaria (leaf), Menstruation disturbances (leaf), Rickettsia (leaf), Scorpion stings (leaf), Snake bites (leaf), Toothache (leaf), Typhoid fever (leaf), Urination disorders (leaf), Vitiligo (leaf), Wasp sting (leaf), Wounds and injuries (leaf), Tetanus (plant exudate), Abdominal neoplasms (root), Abdominal pain (root), Acne vulgaris (root), Anti-infective agents, local (root), Antipyretics (root), Asthma (root), Astringents (root), Burns (root), Cardiotonic agents (root), Cataract (root), Colic (root), Constipation (root), Contraceptive agents (root), Corneal diseases (root), Corneal opacity (root), Cough (root), Dandruff (root), Deafness (root), Dental caries (root), Diarrhea (root), Digestive system diseases (root), Diuretics (root), Disorder of ejaculation (root), Fever (root), Fistula (root), Flatulence (root), Galactogogues (root), Hair diseases (root), Headache (root), Heart diseases (root), Hematologic diseases (root), Hemorrhage (root), Hemorrhoids (root), Hemostasis (root), Hypotension (root), Kidney diseases (root), Labor pain (root), Leprosy (root), Liver diseases (root), Lymphadenitis (root), Malaria (root), Menstruation disturbances (root), Migraine disorders (root), Neoplasms (root), Neurotic disorders (root), Otitis media (root), Pain (root), Periodontal diseases (root), Periodontitis (root), Postnatal care (root), Pruritus (root), Rabies (root), Rickettsia (root), Scorpion stings (root), Snake bites (root), Stomach diseases (root), Stomatitis, aphthous (root), Syphilis (root), Tonsillitis (root), Tooth diseases (root), Toothache (root), Ulcer (root), Vitiligo (root), Vomiting (root), Whooping cough (root), Wound healing (root), Wounds and injuries (root), Asthma (seed), Astringents (seed), Bites and stings (seed), Bronchitis (seed), Cardiotonic agents (seed), Cathartics (seed), Diarrhea (seed), Diuretics (seed), Emetics (seed), Gonorrhea (seed), Hemorrhoids (seed), Laxatives (seed), Leprosy (seed), Nephritis (seed), Rabies (seed), Scorpion stings (seed), Skin diseases (seed), Snake bites (seed), Vomiting (seed), Whooping cough (seed), Antifungal agents (shoot), Abortifacient agents (stem), Arthritis (stem), Bronchitis (stem), Cough (stem), Diuretics (stem), Dysmenorrhea (stem), Eczema (stem), Hemorrhoids (stem), Lung diseases (stem), Malaria (stem), Periodontal diseases (stem), Periodontitis (stem), Scorpion stings (stem), Snake bites (stem), Toothache (stem), Wounds and injuries (stem), Atrophy (unspecified), Bite(Bug) (unspecified), Bite(Snake) (unspecified), Bite(Tiger) (unspecified), Cachexia (unspecified), Cataract (unspecified), Circumcision (unspecified), Convulsion (unspecified), Dentifrice (unspecified), Diuretic (unspecified), Dropsy (unspecified), Dysentery (unspecified), Emetic (unspecified), Enteritis (unspecified), Hematemesis (unspecified), Hematochezia (unspecified), Labor (unspecified), Medicine (unspecified), Ophthalmia (unspecified), Rabies (unspecified), Renitis (unspecified), Rheumatism (unspecified), Scabies (unspecified), Sore (unspecified), Stomatitis (unspecified), Syphilis (unspecified), Tetanus (unspecified), Toothache (unspecified), Tumor(Abdomen) (unspecified), Astringent (unspecified), Blindness(Veterinary) (unspecified), Cough (unspecified), Emaciation (unspecified), Fever (unspecified), Pain (unspecified), Scorpion (unspecified), Styptic (unspecified), Tumor (unspecified), Wound (unspecified), Abdominal pain (unspecified), Abortifacient agents (unspecified), Analgesics (unspecified), Anemia (unspecified), Anthelmintics (unspecified), Anti-bacterial agents (unspecified), Anti-inflammatory agents (unspecified), Antipruritics (unspecified), Antirheumatic agents (unspecified), Appetite stimulants (unspecified), Ascites (unspecified), Asthenia (unspecified), Asthma (unspecified), Astringents (unspecified), Bronchitis (unspecified), Cardiovascular diseases (unspecified), Cardiovascular system (unspecified), Cathartics (unspecified), Central nervous system diseases (unspecified), Colic (unspecified), Demulcents (unspecified), Diarrhea (unspecified), Digestive system diseases (unspecified), Diuretics (unspecified), Dyspepsia (unspecified), Edema (unspecified), Endophthalmitis (unspecified), Exanthema (unspecified), Expectorants (unspecified), Eye diseases (unspecified), Fistula (unspecified), Flatulence (unspecified), Fractures, bone (unspecified), Furunculosis (unspecified), Headache (unspecified), Heart diseases (unspecified), Helminthiasis (unspecified), Hematologic diseases (unspecified), Hemorrhoids (unspecified), Hypohidrosis (unspecified), Infertility (unspecified), Inflammation (unspecified), Counterirritant (unspecified), Kidney diseases (unspecified), Laxatives (unspecified), Leprosy (unspecified), Liver diseases (unspecified), Lung diseases (unspecified), Malaria (unspecified), Menstruation-inducing agents (unspecified), Neoplasms (unspecified), Nephritis (unspecified), Oxytocics (unspecified), Pneumonia (unspecified), Pregnancy complications (unspecified), Skin diseases (unspecified), Snake bites (unspecified), Tooth diseases (unspecified), Tranquilizing agents (unspecified), Urinary bladder calculi (unspecified), Urination disorders (unspecified), Uterine hemorrhage (unspecified), Vomiting (unspecified), Whooping cough (unspecified), Wound healing (unspecified), Depurative (unspecified), Abdominal pain (whole plant), Allergens (whole plant), Anemia (whole plant), Anti-infective agents (whole plant), Anti-inflammatory agents (whole plant), Anti-obesity agents (whole plant), Antipruritics (whole plant), Ascites (whole plant), Asthma (whole plant), Bronchitis (whole plant), Colic (whole plant), Cough (whole plant), Diuretics (whole plant), Dysentery (whole plant), Dyspepsia (whole plant), Edema (whole plant), Fistula (whole plant), Gonorrhea (whole plant), Graves ophthalmopathy (whole plant), Heart diseases (whole plant), Helminthiasis (whole plant), Hematologic diseases (whole plant), Hemorrhage (whole plant), Hemorrhoids (whole plant), Hypercholesterolemia (whole plant), Hypoglycemic agents (whole plant), Kidney calculi (whole plant), Laxatives (whole plant), Leprosy (whole plant), Lymphadenitis (whole plant), Nephritis (whole plant), Pain (whole plant), Pneumonia (whole plant), Pruritus (whole plant), Skin diseases (whole plant), Sleep initiation and maintenance disorders (whole plant), Stomach diseases (whole plant), Tuberculosis, lymph node (whole plant), Urinary bladder calculi (whole plant), Uterine contraction (whole plant), Vomiting (whole plant), Whooping cough (whole plant)
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


It is grown by seed.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Achyranthes aspera habit picture by Maarten Vanhove (cc-by-sa)
Achyranthes aspera habit picture by Sudhanshu Kumar (cc-by-sa)
Achyranthes aspera habit picture by Sergio costantini (cc-by-sa)


Achyranthes aspera leaf picture by susan brown (cc-by-sa)
Achyranthes aspera leaf picture by susan brown (cc-by-sa)
Achyranthes aspera leaf picture by Vita93 Vita93 (cc-by-sa)


Achyranthes aspera flower picture by Vita93 Vita93 (cc-by-sa)
Achyranthes aspera flower picture by Kimata Victoria (cc-by-sa)
Achyranthes aspera flower picture by Kimata Victoria (cc-by-sa)


Achyranthes aspera fruit picture by Shravan Kumbhare (cc-by-sa)


Achyranthes aspera world distribution map, present in Afghanistan, Angola, Anguilla, United Arab Emirates, American Samoa, French Southern Territories, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Burundi, Benin, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, Belize, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Barbados, Bhutan, Central African Republic, China, Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon, Congo, Colombia, Comoros, Cabo Verde, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Micronesia (Federated States of), Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Guadeloupe, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, French Guiana, Guam, Guyana, Honduras, Indonesia, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Kenya, Cambodia, Kiribati, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Liberia, Saint Lucia, Sri Lanka, Lesotho, Madagascar, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Mali, Myanmar, Northern Mariana Islands, Mozambique, Mauritania, Martinique, Mauritius, Malawi, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Niue, Nepal, Nauru, New Zealand, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Puerto Rico, Portugal, Réunion, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Senegal, Singapore, Sierra Leone, El Salvador, Somalia, South Sudan, Sao Tome and Principe, Suriname, eSwatini, Seychelles, Chad, Togo, Thailand, Tonga, Tuvalu, Taiwan, Province of China, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, United States Minor Outlying Islands, United States of America, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam, Samoa, Yemen, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe


WFO ID wfo-0000516177
COL ID 9967
BDTFX ID 83748
INPN ID 446886
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Achyranthes asperoides Achyranthes ellipticifolia Achyranthes fruticosa Achyranthes obovatifolia Achyranthes robusta Achyranthes tenuifolia Cadelaria punctata Centrostachys australis Centrostachys indica Achyranthes okinawensis Stachyarpagophora aspera Achyranthes acuminata Achyranthes grandifolia Centrostachys grandifolia Achyranthes sicula Achyranthes aspera f. subgrandifolia Achyranthes daito-insularis Achyranthes australis Achyranthes canescens Achyranthes obovata Achyranthes aspera var. simplex Achyranthes aspera var. australis Achyranthes aspera var. canescens Achyranthes aspera var. obtusifolia Achyranthes aspera var. aspera Centrostachys aspera Centrostachys canescens Achyranthes aspera

Lower taxons

Achyranthes aspera var. borbonica Achyranthes aspera var. indica Achyranthes aspera var. porphyristachya Achyranthes aspera var. pubescens Achyranthes aspera var. rubrofusca Achyranthes aspera var. sicula Achyranthes aspera var. velutina