Shrubs up to 0.6 m tall, single-stemmed at base. Branches fairly erect, slender, short, glabrescent, the bark fairly smooth. Branchlets short, slender, erect, densely crisped pubescent, well clothed with leaves. Leaves 7-12 mm long, 1.7-2.3 mm broad, lanceolate, acute, somewhat complicate, usually alternate, imbricate, adpressed erect; apex rubro-mucronate, somewhat incurved; margins narrowly translucent, crisped ciliate; petiole broad, very short; adaxial surface glabrous; abaxial surface crisped pubescent mainly along the proment midrib, gland-dotted between midrib and margins. Inflorescence solitary at the ends of short branchlets or almost axial in groups at the ends of branchlets, upper or involucral leaves becoming bract-like; flowers 12 mm diam., pink or pale purple in colour. Bracteoles two, 2.8 mm long, 2 mm broad, ovate, ciliolate, apex minutely tufted, glabrous, midrib green. Calyx lobes five, 5 mm long, 2.7 mm broad, oblong, obtuse, apiculate, ciliate, distinctly veined; adaxial surface sparsely pubescent towards the centre; abaxial surface glabrous, purplish towards the apex. Petals five, 0.5 mm long; limb 6.5 mm long, 4.5 mm broad, orbicular, apiculate, sparsely ciliate, upper surface sparsely puberulous; claw 4 mm long, 1.5 mm broad above narrowing to 0.6 mm below, densely bearded on the 'chin' at the throat, ciliate, margins translucent. Staminodes five, 0.15 mm long, 0.1 mm diam., ovoid. Filaments five, becoming 1.8 mm long, acicular, glabrous. Anthers five, before anthesis 1.5 mm long, 0.9 mm broad, yellow, apical gland 0.1 mm long, ovoid. Pollen 50 µ long, 28 µ broad, oblong. Stigma 0.7 mm diam., globose, capitate, dark green. Style becoming 1.6 mm long, erect, glabrous. Ovary 5-carpellate, 1 mm diam.; carpels very sparsely pubescent at the sides, apices glabrous somewhat emarginate towards the inside. Fruit (immature) 5-carpellate, carpels smooth, without gland dots, very sparsely pubescent on the margins above; horns emarginate, very short. Seed (from Esterhuysen 19528) 3.4 mm long, 1.3 mm broad, black, shining.
Like A. alternifolia but leaves adpressed-erect, margins and upper surface crisped-ciliate, flowers often solitary and fruits with short horns.