Dioicous, rather large, glaucous green. Stem up to 3 cm long, papillose, sparsely laterally branched, apex sometimes attenuated to flagella, basally stolons. Leaves approximate, sometimes imbricate, patent and directed some-what dorsally, concave, sometimes conduplicate concave, upper margin dorsally arched, ventral margin somewhat decurrent, ovate, bilobed to 1/4, lobes obtuse, ventral lobe more narrow. Apical cells 25-30 µ, cells in the centre of the leaf about 27 x 36 µ, basal cells to 27 x 45 µ, trigones large, cuticle with large globose papillae, Amphigastria minute, evanescent. Fe-male organs terminal, bracts resembling the leaves but larger. Marsupium pendulant, cylindric-obconic, covered by rhizoids.