Plants probably perennating by fleshy roots, 20-100 mm tall; leaves imbricate, subconduplicate, linear-lanceolate, acute, to 50 x 5 mm, grading apically into the floral bracts. Inflorescences simple, densely 3-10 flowered, 10-35 mm long; bracts to 8 mm long. Flowers dark maroon or greenish-yellow, concolourous, c. 8 mm long; pedicel plus ovary erect at anthesis, about as long as the bract. Sepals subequal, lorate-lanceolate, acute, 7-8.5 x 2.5-3 mm; laterals suboblique. Petals lorate, acute, 8 x 3 mm. Lip obscurely 3-lobed, 7 x 5 mm; midlobe reflexed, obtuse, densely and coarsely tuberculate-papillate, except along the margins; side lobes porrect, rounded, 1.5 mm tall. Gynostemium with a 6 mm long, erect, compressed column-part, extended in a broad concave column-foot; anther-cap without horns; pollinia subglobose, waxy.
Slender, rhizomatous geophyte to 10 cm. Leaves linear-lanceolate, slightly channelled, leathery. Flowers few in a lax raceme, dark maroon or greenish yellow, 7-8.5 mm long.