Actinodaphne Nees


Angiosperms > Laurales > Lauraceae


Evergreen trees or shrubs, dioecious. Leaves usually clustered or nearly verticillate, rarely alternate or opposite, unlobed, pinninerved, rarely triplinerved. Umbels solitary or clustered or arranged in a panicle or raceme; involucral bracts imbricate, caducous. Perianth tube short; perianth segments usually 6 in 2 whorls of 3 each, nearly equal, rarely persistent. Flowers unisexual. Male flowers: fertile stamens usually 9 in 3 whorls of 3 each; filaments of 1st and 2nd whorls eglandular, of 3rd whorls 2-glandular at base; anthers all introrse and 4-celled, cells opening by lids; rudimentary pistil small or lacking. Female flowers: staminodes as many as stamens of male flowers; ovary superior; stigma shield-shaped or dilated. Fruit seated on shallow or deep cup-shaped or discoid perianth tube.
Life form perennial
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention evergreen
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) -


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Actinodaphne unspecified picture


Actinodaphne world distribution map, present in China


WFO ID wfo-4000000510
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link



Lower taxons

Actinodaphne oleifolia Actinodaphne campanulata Actinodaphne celebica Actinodaphne cinerea Actinodaphne cochinchinensis Actinodaphne concinna Actinodaphne concolor Actinodaphne confertifolia Actinodaphne crassa Actinodaphne ellipticibacca Actinodaphne engleriana Actinodaphne ferruginea Actinodaphne forrestii Actinodaphne fragilis Actinodaphne glaucina Actinodaphne glomerata Actinodaphne gracilis Actinodaphne henryi Actinodaphne hookeri Actinodaphne hypoleucophylla Actinodaphne johorensis Actinodaphne kinabaluensis Actinodaphne moluccana Actinodaphne montana Actinodaphne moonii Actinodaphne multiflora Actinodaphne mushaensis Actinodaphne myriantha Actinodaphne nakaii Actinodaphne nitida Actinodaphne novoguineensis Actinodaphne obovata Actinodaphne obscurinervia Actinodaphne obtusa Actinodaphne omeiensis Actinodaphne paotingensis Actinodaphne pauciflora Actinodaphne percoriacea Actinodaphne perglabra Actinodaphne perlucida Actinodaphne philippinensis Actinodaphne pulchra Actinodaphne ridleyi Actinodaphne robusta Actinodaphne salicina Actinodaphne sasakii Actinodaphne sikkimensis Actinodaphne soepadmoi Actinodaphne solomonensis Actinodaphne spathulifolia Actinodaphne speciosa Actinodaphne sphaerocarpa Actinodaphne stenophylla Actinodaphne sulcata Actinodaphne tadulingamii Actinodaphne tayabensis Actinodaphne tomentosa Actinodaphne trichocarpa Actinodaphne tsaii Actinodaphne venosa Actinodaphne wightiana Actinodaphne koshepangii Actinodaphne kostermansii Actinodaphne kweichowensis Actinodaphne acuminata Actinodaphne albifrons Actinodaphne amabilis Actinodaphne ambigua Actinodaphne archboldiana Actinodaphne areolata Actinodaphne bicolor Actinodaphne borneensis Actinodaphne bourdillonii Actinodaphne bourneae Actinodaphne brassii Actinodaphne caesia Actinodaphne cupularis Actinodaphne diversifolia Actinodaphne dolichophylla Actinodaphne elegans Actinodaphne fuliginosa Actinodaphne glabra Actinodaphne glauca Actinodaphne lanata Actinodaphne lanceolata Actinodaphne latifolia Actinodaphne lawsonii Actinodaphne lecomtei Actinodaphne ledermannii Actinodaphne leiantha Actinodaphne longipes Actinodaphne macgregorii Actinodaphne macrophylla Actinodaphne macroptera Actinodaphne madraspatana Actinodaphne magniflora Actinodaphne malaccensis Actinodaphne menghaiensis Actinodaphne microphylla Actinodaphne mollis Actinodaphne molochina Actinodaphne pilosa Actinodaphne pisifera Actinodaphne procera Actinodaphne pruinosa Actinodaphne quercina Actinodaphne reticulata Actinodaphne rufescens Actinodaphne samarensis Actinodaphne scleroptera Actinodaphne semengohensis Actinodaphne sesquipedalis Actinodaphne setchuenensis Actinodaphne mansonii Actinodaphne nicobarica Actinodaphne gullavara Actinodaphne superba Actinodaphne cuneata Actinodaphne shendurunii Actinodaphne leiophylla Actinodaphne notabilis Actinodaphne furfuracea Actinodaphne javanica Actinodaphne pedunculata Actinodaphne pubescens Actinodaphne andamanica Actinodaphne candolleana Actinodaphne corymbosa Actinodaphne hirsuta Actinodaphne rumphii