Flowers 5-merous. Hypanthium campanulate to nearly tubular, becoming strongly ribbed at maturity. Calyx-tube spreading, its lobes short or obsolete. Petals obovate, conspicuous. Stamens isomorphic or dimorphic; filaments flat-tened, adherent to the base of the petals; anthers linear or subulate, deflexed, often arcuate; connective briefly prolonged below the thecae into a short, erect, conic or 2-toothed, basal spur, bearing a long, antrorse, dorsal appendage which is cleft at its apex and deflexed nearliy parallel to the thecae. Ovary free, 3-to 5-celled; style elongate; stigma capitellate. Capsule many-seeded; seeds linear-cuneate, winged at the apex, winged or caudate at base, bearing the embryo near the center. Woody lianas, climbing by adventitious roots, with oblong to rotund leaves and pink, white, or yellow flowers in panicled umbels or capitate clusters.