Adenia hastata Schinz


Angiosperms > Malpighiales > Passifloraceae > Adenia


Herbaceous climber to 4 m, growing from a tuberous rootstock; glabrous. Leaves pale-or greyish-green, often punctate beneath, simple, broadly ovate to ± hastate, base cordate to truncate, apex obtuse to acute, up to 2 mm subapical mucronate, 1.5-10(-14) x 1.5-10(-13) cm, 3-7-(sub)plinerved; margin entire; petiole 0.5-5(-10) cm. Gland(s) at blade-base 1 or 2, contiguous, situated on the not-or shortly-peltate, sometimes 2-lobed blade-base; blade-glands 0-2(-4), often conspicuous, (sub)marginal or near the top; leaves of juvenile specimens with peltate base, without glands. Stipules narrowly triangular, acute, 1.5-2 mm. Inflorescences peduncled for 0.5-4(-11) cm, up to 12-flowered in S, 1-3-flowered in ?; tendril (0 or) 1, 1-5 cm; sterile tendrils up to 12 cm. Male flowers tubiform to infundibuliform, including the 2-6 mm long stipe (13-)15-30 cm; hypanthium cup-shaped, tapering, 2-3 mm; calyx-tube (5-)7-15 x (3-)4-5 mm, lobes ovate to elliptic, obtuse, 4-7 mm, densely fimbriate; petals linear-lanceolate, 5-7(-9) mm, 1-3-nerved, entire to densely fimbriate, inserted (-1)2-8 mm above the corona; filaments 3-7 mm, connate up to 2.5 mm, inserted at the base of the hypanthium or on a short androgynophore; anthers 4-7 mm, obtuse; septa 1-2.5 mm high; corona of fine hairs c. 1-2 mm; disc-glands 1-1.5 mm. Female campanulate-infundibuliform, including the 0.5-2.5 mm long stipe (8-)10-18 mm; hypanthium tapering 1-2 mm; calyx-tube 3-6 mm, lobes ovate 4-7 mm, crenulated-laciniate; petals linear, acute, 3-5(-6) mm, 1-nerved, entire ± fimbriate, inserted 1.5-3 mm above the corona; staminodes 2-2.5 mm; septa up to 0.2 mm high; corona hairs 1-1.5 mm; discglands c. 0.5 mm; gynophore 1-1.5 mm; ovary ellipsoid to suglobose, (2-)2-4.5 mm; styles connate for 0.3-1.5 mm, style-arms 1.5-2.5 mm; stigmas partially branched, papillate, each 2-2.5 mm diam. Fruit 1-2 per inflorescence, subglobose, excluding the 1-3 mm long gynophore 2-3.5(-6) x 2-3.5 cm; pericarp coriaceous sometimes spongy inside; seeds 2-2.5 per capsule, ellipsoid, 6-7(-8) mm.
Male flower: (13)15–30 × (3)4–5 mm. (incl. the 2–6 mm. long stipe), tubular-infundibuliform; hypanthium 2–3 × 3–6 mm., cup-shaped; calyx-tube (5)7–15 mm. long; calyx-lobes 4–7 mm. long, ovate to elliptic, densely fimbriate at the margin; petals 5–7(9) × 0·33–1 mm., linear-lanceolate, 1–3-nerved, entire to densely fimbriate, inserted (1)2–8 mm. above the corona; corona hairy, the hairs sometimes branched; stamen-filaments 3–7 mm. long, connate for 2·5 mm. at the base, inserted at the base of the hypanthium or on an androgynophore; anthers 4–7 × 1 mm., obtuse, with apiculum up to 0·33 mm. long; disk-glands 1–1·5 mm. long; vestigial ovary c. 1 mm. long, with gynophore up to 1 mm. long.
Female flower: (8)10–18 × 5–7(8) mm. (incl. the 0·5–2·5 mm. long stipe), campanulate-infundibuliform; hypanthium 1–2 mm. long; calyx-tube 3–6 mm. long; calyx-lobes 4–7 mm. long, ovate, crenulate-laciniate at the margin; petals 3–5(6) × 0·1–0·33(·5) mm., linear, acute, 1-nerved, entire to ± fimbriate, inserted 1·5–3 mm. above the corona; corona consisting of slender hairs 1–1·5 mm. long; disk-glands 0·33–0·75 mm. long; pistil 7–9 mm. long; gynophore 1–1·5 mm. long; ovary (2)2·5–4·5 × (1·5)2–4 mm., ellipsoid to subglobose; styles connate at the base, with the arms 1·5–2·5 mm. long and stigmas palmately branched, papillate.
Leaf-lamina 1·5–10(14) × 1·5–10(13) cm., broadly ovate to ± hastate, apex obtuse to acute and with mucro up to 2 mm. long, margin entire, cordate to truncate at the base, membranous (herbaceous) to coriaceous, greyish-brown to blackish, often punctate, with 3–7 main nerves from the base, 1–2 pairs of nerves from the midrib and indistinct reticulation; petiole 0·5–5(10) cm. long.
A succulent plant with a swollen base. It is a climber or scrambler. The leaf stalks are 5 cm long. The leaf blade is triangle shaped. It is 7 cm long and wide. The edges are slightly wavy. The flowering shoots are in the axils of leaves. There are several narrow flowers/ They are up to 2 cm long. They are in branched clusters and are cream coloured.
Cymes with peduncles 0·5–4(11) cm. long, up to 12-flowered in male, 1–3-flowered in female; bracts and bracteoles 1–3 mm. long, narrowly triangular; pedicels 2–10 mm. long in the male, 1–2 mm. long in the female.
Glands at the lamina-base 1–2, 1–3(5) mm. in diameter, contiguous, borne on the ± semiorbicular or 2-lobed up to 4 mm. wide peltate lamina-base; lamina-glands 0–2(4), up to 5 mm. in diameter, at or near the apex.
Capsule 2–3·5(6) cm. in diameter, subglobose, with coriaceous pericarp, 5–25-seeded.
Branches slender, greyish-green, striate, with internodes up to 5 cm. long.
Herbaceous climber up to 4 m., arising from a tuberous rootstock.
Seeds 7(8) × 5·5–6·5 × 3 mm., ovoid to ellipsoid, pitted.
Stipules 1·5–2 mm. long, narrowly triangular, acute.
Sterile tendrils up to 12 cm. long.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support climber
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality -
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 2.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


It is a subtropical plant. It grows in dry soils. It can grow in arid places.
Light -
Soil humidity 10-12
Soil texture 7-8
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) -


CAUTION: Most Adenia are poisonous.
Uses food poison
Edible fruits
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Adenia hastata world distribution map, present in South Africa


WFO ID wfo-0000519989
Wikipedia (EN)
Wikipedia (FR)


Adenia hastata Modecca hastata Adenia schlechteri Adenia hastata var. hastata

Lower taxons

Adenia hastata var. glandulifera