Adenia macrophylla Koord.


Angiosperms > Malpighiales > Passifloraceae > Adenia


Liana to 25 m, at base up to 15 cm ø. Leaves (sub)coriaceous, entire or up to ½ cm lobed in upper half, suborbicular to oblong-lanceolate or (ob)ovate, top (sub)obtuse to acute, up to 1½ cm acuminate, base acute-acuminate, or rounded or subcordate, (4-)5-21 by (1½-)2½-12 cm, 3-5 subplinerved or ± pinninerved; nerves 3-5(-10) pairs, arching towards the top; petiole ½-7½ cm. Glands at blade-base 2, 1-4 mm ø, entirely or largely situated on two semi-orbicular auricles 1½-5 mm ø at the apex of the petiole; blade-glands 0-4(-6), ¼-1 mm ø, submarginal in the upper half of the blade; marginal glands 0-25 at either side. Inflorescences peduncled for up to 14 cm, sometimes subsessile in short-shoots up to 25 cm, lax or condensed, in ♂ up to 150-flowered, in ♀ 2-10-flowered, tendrils 0-3, up to 4 cm long. Sterile tendrils simple or 3-fid, up to 20 cm. Bracts and bracteoles narrowly triangular, acute, ½-1 mm. Flower buds ovate, not ellipsoid. ♂ Flowers narrowly tubiform-urceolate, including the 1½-4(-8) mm long stipe 9-15 by 2-3½ mm. Hypanthium including calyx tube tubiform-urceolate, fleshy, 5½-9 mm. Calyx lobes triangular to oblong, subobtuse, 2-2½(-3) mm, reflexed. Petals oblong-lanceolate, obtuse to subacute, subentire, 2½-4 by 1-1½(-2½) mm, inserted at or near the throat of the calyx tube. Filaments 1-1½ mm, connate up to½ mm, inserted at the base of the hypanthium. Anthers 4-7 mm, ± tapering to above, subacute, ⅓-1 mm apiculate. Septa 0-⅓ mm high. Corona 0. Disk glands ½-1 mm. ♀ Flowers tubiform-campanulate, including the ¼-1 mm long stipe 5-7 by 2½-3 mm. Hypanthium including calyx tube 3-4 mm. Calyx lobes 2-4 mm. Petals 2-3 mm, inserted near the throat of the calyx tube. Staminodes c. 1 mm. Septa 0. Corona 0. Disk glands c. 1 mm. Pistil 4-6 mm; gynophore 1-2 mm. Ovary subglobose to ovoid, 1¾-2½ by 1½-2½ mm; styles ½-¾ mm, ± free; stigmas irregularly lobed, each c. 1½ mm ø. Fruit 1-2(-3?), globose to broadly ovoid, base rounded, top rounded to subacute, or fruit ± fusiform, excluding the (7-)10-30 mm long gynophore 2-6(-6½) by 1½-5 cm; pericarp coriaceous to woody,½-3 mm thick. Seeds 15-40, ± orbicular, 5-10 by 5-10 by 2½-4 mm, ± muricate and pitted; embryo 5-8 mm; cotyledons ovate to elliptic, often emarginate at one side, 4½-7½ by 4-6 mm.
A vine or climber.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support climber
Foliage retention
Sexuality -
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 25.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Rain-forest; see further under the varieties.
It is a tropical plant.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


Uses. Fruits several times recorded as poisonous. According to various authors the roots and leaves are medicinal. According to HEYNE ( HEYNE Nutt. Pl. 1927 1142 ) the bark is used for spinning threads for fishing tackle in Sumatra's West Coast. JACOBS (n. 5003) mentioned: 'The wood smells a bit of HCN; vessels contain potable water'.
Uses material medicinal poison wood
Edible fruits
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Adenia macrophylla world distribution map, present in Indonesia, Iceland, Malaysia, and Thailand


WFO ID wfo-0000520030
Wikipedia (EN)
Wikipedia (FR)


Adenia borneensis Adenia grandifolia Adenia longipedunculata Modecca quintuplinervia Modecca dubia Microblepharis macrophylla Adenia clementis Adenia quintuplinervia Adenia macrophylla Modecca macrophylla Adenia borneensis var. microcarpa

Lower taxons

Adenia macrophylla var. singaporeana Adenia macrophylla var. smilacina