Leaf-lamina 3–6 × 2–4(5) cm., 3–5-foliolate, ovate-oblong in outline, cordate at the base, membranous, green on upper surface, glaucous green and not punctate below; median leaflet 2·5–5 × 1–1·5(2·5) cm., unlobed or pinnatilobed with up to 8 lobes, ovate to oblong, obtuse or acute at the apex, acute at the base, petiolulate, the petiolule 0·5(1) cm.; basal leaflets much smaller (1–2 cm. long), unlobed, subsessile; petiole 0·5–2·5 cm. long.
Cymes with peduncle 1·5–4 cm. long, up to 12-flowered in male bracts and bracteoles 1–1·5 mm. long, lanceolate, acute; pedicels 5–15 mm. long; tendril 1, 1–5 cm. long.
Lamina-base glands 2, 0·5–1 mm. in diameter, wart-like; lamina-glands c. 0·5 mm. in diameter, up to 6 on the median leaflet, submarginal.
Herbaceous climber up to 2 m., arising from a tuberous rootstock.
Fertile branches greyish-green, with internodes 1–10 cm. long.
Stipules c. 1 mm. long, lanceolate, withering.
Sterile tendrils up to 10 cm. long.
Female flower and capsule unknown.