Leaves 2–6, distichous, 17 × 1.5 cm, lanceolate from a folded base, articulated to sheath, coriaceous, somewhat glaucous.
Epiphytic herb; stem short and woody, up to 12 mm long, covered with old leaf bases and remains of inflorescences.
Lip porrect, up to 10 × 10 mm, quadrate with an apical acumen c. 2 mm long; spur to 10 mm long, pendent, conical.
Flowers translucent greenish-cream, darker at tepal and spur apices.
Petals to 12 × 7 mm, ovate, acuminate, erect or recurved.
Sepals to 20 × 7 mm, ovate, acuminate, curving forwards.
Capsule to 30 × 6 mm, persistent for over 1 year.
Pedicel and ovary to 15 mm long, sharply curved.
Column c. 3 × 2 mm.