Plants medium-sized, pendent, yellow-green, glossy; corticolous or rarely terricolous. Primary stems flattened against substrate; secondary stems pendent, 200 mm long, branches irregular; in section round, central strand small, inner cortical cells in 5 or 6 rows, thin-walled towards margin, outer cortical cells in 6 rows, smaller, thick-walled. Leaves somewhat distant, widespreading to reflexed, wavy to weakly plicate; stem leaves ovate, 2.0-3.0 mm long; acuminate, acumens generally long and slender; cordate at base; margins plane, serrulate. Costa single, ending in acumen, ventral and dorsal surfaces smooth; in section elliptical, cells in 3 equal rows, weakly thickened. Upper laminal cells linear-fusiform, 50-76 µm long, walls thickened, pitted, papillose, papillae single, centred over cell lumens; basal cells rectangular, hyaline, walls more strongly thickened and pitted, yellowish, smooth; alar cells not differentiated. Autoicous. Perigonia on branches, gemmate. Perichaetia along branches; perichaetial leaves acuminate with base sheathing, leaf cells linear-fusiform, thickened, pitted and smooth. Seta 15-20 mm long, yellow-brown. Capsule short-exserted, erect, short-cylindrical, 1.5-2.0 mm long, brown; exothecial cells subquadrate to rectangular, walls frequently collenchymatous; stomata few, phaneropore. Peristome dou ble, yellow; exostome teeth broadly lanceolate, striate with median zigzag line, 700-800 µm high; endostome segments broadly keeled above high basal membrane, as long as teeth, ± smooth; cilia single, linear, short, papillose. Operculum rostrate. Calyptra cucullate, 1 mm long, smooth. Spores rounded, 12-17 µm, granulate, brown.