Leaves 6–10-foliolate; leaflets 5–10 × 2.5–5.5 mm, elliptic-oblong or obovate-oblong, rounded and mucronulate at the apex, cuneate to obliquely rounded at the base, glabrous; main nerve eccentric and curved, there being 2–3 basal nerves in the wider side of the leaflet; petiole and rhachis together 10–25 mm long; petiolules 0.5 mm long; stipules 8–12 × 3–5 mm, elliptic, acute, subcordate and mostly unilaterally appendaged at the base, glabrous or pubescent, at length deciduous.
Inflorescences axillary, few-to 10-flowered, often branched; rhachis 7 cm long, densely pubescent with tubercular-based hairs; peduncle 5 mm long; pedicels 5–6 mm long; bracts 4–6 × 1.5–2.8 mm, ovate-elliptic or elliptic, acute, pubescent with tubercular-based hairs and appearing glandular-serrulate, persistent; bracteoles similar, 4–5 × 1.2–1.6 mm, lanceolate.
Calyx pubescent with glandular-based hairs, 2-lipped; lips c. 6–7 × 3–5 mm, oblong or ovate, one emarginate, the other slightly 3-fid.
Probably a straggling subshrub, 10–30 cm tall, with many suberect or spreading slender stems from a woody rootstock.
Fruit of 1 article, 6.5 × 6 mm, almost round, compressed, sparsely covered with tubercular-based hairs.
Standard golden-yellow, 10–13 × 7–8 mm, violin-shaped, keel petals not laciniate.
Stems mostly glabrous.
Seeds not seen.