Aframomum alboviolaceum (Ridl.) K.Schum.


Angiosperms > Zingiberales > Zingiberaceae > Aframomum


Rhizomes, extensive, ± 8 mm. in diameter, buried at least 5 cm. deep in the soil; scales fugaceous.. Leafy shoots to 1.5 m. tall.. Leaves lanceolate, up to 32 × 9 cm., acuminate, base cuneate, glabrous except for a row of minute tooth-like hairs arising from raised bases on the margin; nerves 23-33 per 5 mm. beneath, usually obscured by hypodermal sclerenchyma above. Ligule coriaceous, bifid, the halves unequal, rounded to acute, the longer half 3-10(-16) mm. long, bearing a mixture of simple appressed hairs and reddish glands which collapse and become blackish after long storage; leaf-sheaths sulcate, often reticulate towards the apex, with an indumentum like that of the ligule.. Inflorescence 2-5-flowered, arising at the base of an old leafy shoot which is often represented only by its charred base; peduncle bracts broadly ovate, up to 3 × 2.5 cm., usually pubescent, at least near the apex, with a mixed indumentum like that of the ligule and leaf-sheath.. Calyx spathaceous, 4-5 cm. long, split for 1.5 cm. down one side.. Petals pale mauve to almost white, the posterior oblong, concave, rounded, 4.5-6 × 2-3.5 cm.; laterals narrowly lanceolate, 4-6 × 0.7-1.4 cm.. Labellum ± 8 cm. long, the free portion suborbicular, ± 6 cm. in diameter, pale mauve to almost white, with a yellow patch at the base.. Free filament ± 2 cm. long, ligulate; anther 9-12 mm. long, the lower half dehiscent; apex 3-lobed, the apical lobe triangular with a bifid apex, 2.5 × 5 mm., lateral lobes subulate, to 9 mm. long.. Style appressed pubescent; stigma trumpet-shaped, fringed with hairs.. Fruit ovoid, up to 10 cm. long and 7 cm. in diameter, smooth, with a short beak composed mainly of the base of the calyx-tube.. Seeds ellipsoid, 4-6 × 3-4mm., dark brown, shiny.
A ginger family herb. It has creeping rhizomes or underground stems. These are 8 mm across and buried 5 cm deep. It has stems 3 m high. The leaves are large. They are sword shaped and 32 cm long by 9 cm wide. The base is wedge shaped and they taper to the tip. There are 2-5 flowers in a group. They are pale red to white. The lip of the flower is pink, purple or white. The fruit are oval and have a beak. They are 10 cm long and 7 cm wide. The seeds are narrowly oval and 4-6 mm long by 3-4 mm wide. They are dark brown and shiny.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 1.75
Root system rhizome
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


It is a tropical plant. It grows in woodland and savannah woodland. It grows up to 1,500 m above sea level.
Tall grass and tree savannah.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


The pulp and the cooked fleshy rind of the fruit is eaten. They are dried as a pepper substitute. They are used to spice juices, porridge and breads. The young rhizome is eaten.
Uses environmental use food gene source medicinal social use spice
Edible fruits leaves rhizomes roots seeds
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Can be grown by seedlings.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Aframomum alboviolaceum fruit picture by Daniel Barthelemy (cc-by-nc)


Aframomum alboviolaceum world distribution map, present in Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Congo, Cabo Verde, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sudan, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe

Conservation status

Aframomum alboviolaceum threat status: Least Concern


WFO ID wfo-0000338036
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Aframomum alboviolaceum Aframomum biauriculatum Aframomum candidum Aframomum latifolium Amomum alboviolaceum Amomum bitacoum Amomum stipulatum Cardamomum latifolium Aframomum stipulatum Amomum latifolium