Branchlets pubescent or puberulous. Leaves 1.5-3 cm long, opposite or alternate, erect-spreading, elliptic, obovate-or ovate-elliptic, obtuse, rounded or widely cuneate at the base, flat or almost so, sparsely warted above, coarsely crenulate, glabrous or sparsely pubescent above and beneath, with a prominent median nerve and many secondary nerves, with large marginal glands and many smaller glands scattered beneath. Flowers 2 or 3 together at the ends of short axillary forked branchlets bearing much reduced leaves or without leaves. Peduncles 2 mm long, puberulous, subtended by ovate bracteoles. Sepals 1.25 mm long, ovate, very obtuse, bluntly convex beneath, ciliolate. Petals 4-4.5 mm long, obovate, rounded at the apex, widely cuneate at the base, slightly concave above, glabrous, with several large glands beneath. Stamens glabrous. Staminodes 2.5 mm long, oblong, terminating in a conical gland, concave above, glabrous. Disk fleshy, crenulate. Ovary glabrous, with 5 carpels bearing erect-spreading elliptic or obovate fleshy processes furrowed on the inner face. Style glabrous, slightly recurved in the upper half.
Single-stemmed, broad-leaved shrub to over 1 m. Flowers white, dark-spotted, carpels 5.