Shrub, up to 1.5 m high. Leaves alternate, simple, somewhat thickened and gland-crenate at margins, gland-dotted beneath. Flowers in terminal clusters, white with red dots; bracteoles absent. Calyx 5-parted, 2.5-4.0 mm long. Petals 5, hypogynous, imbricate, usually gland-dotted on lower surface. Staminodes opposite to petals, petaloid, with gland behind apex, puberulous above. Disc cupular. Ovary superior, 3(4)-carpellate, with processes. Fruit a capsule, with 1-4 chambers, inner and outer walls separating at maturity. Flowering time Mar.-Oct.
Single-stemmed, densely leafy shrub to 3 m, acrid-herb-or sulphur-scented. Leaves spine-tipped. Flowers in lax, terminal clusters, white, red-spotted. Fruits 3(4)-chambered.