Female flowers subsessile; sepals 5, 1.3 mm long, lanceolate, acute, minutely denticulate; ovary 1 × 1.5 mm, 3(4)-lobed, smooth or ± so, evenly appressed-pubescent; styles commonly up to 2 cm long, rarely longer, united at the base, linear-filiform, minutely papillose, reddish.
Female inflorescences not usually more than 10 cm long, terminal, rarely cauliflorous, spicate, few-flowered, lax; bracts 2 mm long, biglandular at the base.
Male flowers ± sessile; buds 0.5 mm long, subglobose, orange; sepals 2, cupular, reflexed, reddish; stamens 8, the united filaments forming a basal plate.
Young shoots and petioles patent-hirsute (forma hirtella) or appressed-puberulous (forma glabrata).Stipules 3–5 mm long, setaceous.
Male inflorescences up to 30 cm long, usually terminal, less often axillary or borne on old wood, broadly paniculate.
A spindly scandent, or straggly lax-branched shrub or small tree up to 12 m high, rarely taller, usually dioecious.
Seeds 4.5 × 4 mm, ovoid-subglobose, smooth, shiny, light brown, faintly-mottled.
Fruits 5 × 9 mm, 3-lobed, smooth or ± so, sparingly minutely puberulous, green.
Petioles 0.3–2 cm long, often geniculate.
A forest shrub or tree, 2–30 ft. high
Bark grey, ± smooth.
Flowers reddish.