Perennial herb, up to 0.5 m high, when in flower up to 1 m high; rosulate at base. Leaves up to 500 mm long, undersurface prominently veined and upper surface quilted, base attenuate, margins lobed with > 1 tooth per lobe (irregularly dentate. Inflorescence: branches often whorled. Involucral bracts 10, in 2 subequal series, narrowly oblong, white. Flowering time midsummer.
Robust plant up to 1 m high, with a well-developed rhizomatous rootstock. Leaves similar to those of A. amatymbica, but distinguished by their lobed and dentate margins. Involucral segments less subequal than in A. amatymbica (but the double toothing of the leaf margin is a better diagnostic character). The mericarps were reported to be smooth on the dorsal surface.