Plants in 'fairy rings' of up to 100 rosettes, stemless or shortly caulescent, 150-250 mm tall. Leaves 30-40 per rosette, arcuate-erect, 150-200 x 25-80 mm, glaucous. Inflorescence a simple, horizontal to slightly ascending, dense, narrowly conical raceme 300-500 mm long; bracts ovate-acuminate, 15-32 x 5-10 mm, 5-many-nerved. Flowers coral-red in bud, pale yellow at flowering, clavate, 25-400 mm long; outer segments free for a quarter to half of their length, inner segments free but dorsally adnate to outer; pedicels 7-12 mm long. Anthers exserted 4-15 mm. Ovary 6.0-8.0 x 1.5-3.0 mm, lemon-yellow to olive-green; style exserted 4-15 mm. Fruit 32-55 x 14-22 mm, purplish grey-brown.
Succulent, perennial herb; acaulescent, forming dense, often hollow, circular groups, rosettes not erect, facing outwards, 150-250 mm in diameter. Leaves with blade, somewhat sickleshaped, up to 200 mm long; margins with sharp, brown teeth, grey-green, few spines along tip of keel. Flowers: inflorescence usually simple, almost horizontal, with cylindrical, dense racemes; stamens and stigma well exserted; perianth club-shaped, 30-40 mm long, bright red, yellowing with age Aug., Sep.
Succulent, perennial herb; acaulescent, forming dense, often hollow, circular groups, rosettes not erect, facing outwards, 150-250 mm high. Leaves grey-green, up to 200 mm long, few spines along tip of keel, margins with sharp, brown teeth. Inflorescence usually simple, almost horizontal, with cylindric, dense racemes. Flowers bright red, yellowing with age, club-shaped; stamens and stigma well exserted. Flowering time Aug., Sept.
Acaulescent, succulent perennial, forming dense, often hollow, circular colonies; rosettes secund. Leaves grey-green, up to 200 mm long, with few spines along keel apex; margins with sharp, brown teeth. Racemes cylindric, dense, usually simple, ± horizontal. Flowers bright red, yellowing with age, club-shaped; stamens and stigma well exserted.
Acaulescent, forming dense groups, rosettes not erect, facing outwards, 150-250 mm tall. Leaves grey-green, up to 200 mm long, few spines along tip of keel, margins with sharp brown spines. Flowers in almost horizontal, usually unbranched, dense, cylindrical racemes, club-shaped, bright red, yellowing with age, anthers well exerted.