Apparently stemless grass aloe, 300-450 mm tall, in tufts, rarely solitary. Leaves 8-10, usually distichous, rarely subrosulate, lorate, 160-400 x 7-15 mm, canaliculate, dark green, margins dentate. Inflorescence a capitate raceme; peduncle 250-400 mm long, with sterile bracts; bracts ovate-acute, 16-21 x 4-10 mm, venation obscure. Flowers scarlet to magenta, 20-30 mm long; outer segments free; pedicels 20-30 mm long. Anthers exserted up to 3 mm. Ovary ±7.0 x 2.5 mm; style exserted up to 10 mm. Fruit grey-buff, 20-25 x 8-10 mm. Seeds charcoal-grey, ±4 x 2 x 2 mm, with membranous wings.
Shortly caulescent, succulent herb, up to 450 mm tall. Leaves not fibrous, margins usually minutely dentate, distichous, 160-400 x 7-15 mm. Bracts acute, shorter than pedicels. Flowers scarlet to magenta.