Perianth orange-scarlet, green-tipped, 30–35 mm long, c. 7 mm in diameter across the ovary, cylindric, narrowing slightly towards the mouth, base tapering into the pedicel; outer segments free to the base with tips slightly spreading.
Inflorescence simple, erect to 50 cm high occasionally more; peduncle with a few small sterile ovate brownish bracts below the raceme, 15–20 mm apart.
Raceme 5–7 × 5 cm, conical-cylindric, laxly flowered; bracts 5–8 × 3–4 mm, ovate-acuminate, papery; pedicels 12–20 mm long.
Perennial herb, solitary, or suckering shortly to produce a small cluster of stems.
Capsule stipitate for 1.5–2 mm, c. 15 × 7 mm, ovoid, brown.
Seeds 2 × 3 mm, narrowly winged, black.
Stamens and stigma scarcely exserted.
Stems to c. 3 cm long.