Succulent, perennial shrub. Stems long and slender, up to 2 m long, branched at ground level, erect, only terminal portion with leaves. Leaves dull green, without spots, narrowly lanceolate, up to 250 mm long, ± 25 mm wide at base, margins slightly cartilaginous, with firm, white teeth; sheath not auriculate and without ciliate margins, faintly striated. Inflorescences 2 or 3 per stem, simple or branched, erect, 0.2-0.3 m high, with cylindric, slightly conical, subdense racemes. Flowers bright red to scarlet, yellowish at mouth, 40-45 mm long; stamens and stigma included or slightly exserted. Flowering time May-Aug.
Plants shrubby, up to 2 m tall; stems erect, leaves present only in top 300-600 mm. Leaves spreading, not auriculate, 120-250 x 10-28 mm, slightly channelled, dull green. Inflorescence a simple, subdense, cylindric raceme, 200-400 mm long, sometimes branched; bracts narrowly deltoid-acuminate, 4-6 x 1.5-3.0 mm, 1-3-nerved. Flowers scarlet, 26-45 mm long, cylindric; outer segments free for 6-12 mm, inner segments free; pedicels 6-9 mm long, not or hardly longer in fruit. Anthers exserted up to 2 mm. Ovary 4.0-5.0 x 1.5-2.5 mm; style exserted up to 5 mm. Fruit ±22 x 9 mm, almost black.
Succulent shrub to 2 m, with slender branches from base. without persistent dried leaves. Leaves dull green, without spots, narrowly lanceolate, to 25 cm long; sheath not auriculate and without ciliate margins, faintly striated, pale green; margins with firm, white teeth. Racemes cylindric, slightly conical, ± dense, simple or branched, 20-30 cm long. Flowers bright red to scarlet, yellowish at mouth, 40-45 mm long; stamens and stigma included or shortly exserted.