Alsophila dregei (Kunze) R.M.Tryon


Pteridophytes > Cyatheales > Cyatheaceae > Alsophila


Plants terrestrial. Caudex stout, erect, simple, to 3 m tall, to 450 mm in diameter, densely covered with adventitious roots. Fronds to 30 per plant, caespitose, arching, to 2.2 m long; stipe greenish-brown, adaxially shallowly sulcate, variously tuberculate, to 410 mm long, to 15 mm in diameter, proximally densely scaled, scales firmly chartaceous, castaneus, sessile, subulate, cordate, margins short-fimbriate, apical cell not differentiated, to 25 mm long, to 5.5 mm wide, higher up closely set with stramineous to ferrugineous hairs of two kinds; 2-celled hairs with the apical cell much enlarged and variously shaped, and pluricellular, irregularly branched hairs of which the apical cell is not differentiated, to 0.6 mm long; lamina proximally anadromous, catadromous distally, elliptic, to 2-pinnate-pinnatifid, to 2 m long, to 700 mm wide, with up to 18 petiolated pinna pairs; rachis brown, often variously tuberculate, adaxially shallowly sulcate, initially set with scales and hairs similar to those on the stipe, glabrous later; pinnae petiolate, petiole to 5 mm long, alternate, overlapping, 1-pinnate-pinnatifid, oblong-acute to lanceolate, to 430 mm long, to 150 mm wide, with up to 20 pinnule pairs; pinna-rachis terete, initially closely set with ferrugineous hairs similar to those on the rachis; pinnules sessile, firmly herbaceous, pinnatifid, oblong-acuminate, to 80 mm long, to 24 mm wide, adaxially initially set with simple, pluricellular hairs along the costa and costule, abaxially closely set with scales and hairs along the costa, costule and veins, scales and hairs thinly chartaceous, ferrugineous, sessile, ovate, fimbriate, hairs simple or branched, to 1.5 mm long, to 0.4 mm wide; costa adaxially raised, pronounced abaxially; segments linear-acute to linear-obtuse, often somewhat falcate, shallowly dentate to crenate, to 10 mm long, to 3 mm wide; aerophores pale brown, in short lines dorsilaterally along the stipe and rachis. Venation evident, pinnately branched in the segments, vein branches once or twice forked, ending in the margin. Sori up to 9 pairs per segment, circular, often confluent at maturity, at a vein fork or inframedially on an acroscopic vein branch; receptacle raised, paraphysate, paraphyses simple, pluricellular, uniseriate, apical cell not differentiated; sporangium short-stalked, simple, laterally attached, capsule obtriangular in lateral view, annulus complete, with (17-)19(-20) indurated annulus cells; indusium inferior, cupuliform, surrounding receptacle base. Spores 16 per sporangium, brown, tetrahedral, trilete, papillate, exospore (38-)40.5(-44) µm in equatorial diameter.
Caudex stout, up to 0.45 m in diameter and 5 m tall. Fronds arching, thinly to thickly coriaceous; stipe brown, variously tuberculate, c. 0.15 m long, set with numerous subulate, castaneous, minutely lacerate scales up to 53 mm long around stipe base; lamina 3-pinnate, elliptic in outline, up to 3 x 0.7 m, lowest pinnae reduced; pinnae narrowly oblong, acute, up to 0.56 x 0.19 m, pinnate into linear to very narrowly oblong, acute to attenuate, pinnate pinnules; pinnule lobes very narrowly oblong, somewhat falcate, acute, subentire to crenate, upper surface glabrous, under surface subglabrous to densely tomentose; rhachis pale brown, smooth. Sori up to 12 per pinnule lobe, c. 1 mm in diameter; indusium shallowly to deeply cupuliform.
Caudex stout, erect, simple, up to 3 m high, up to 450 mm in diam., covered with adventitious roots. Fronds up to 30 per plant, caespitose, arching, up to 2.2 m long. Stipe greenish brown, variously tuberculate, up to 410 mm long, up to 15 mm in diam., proximally densely scaled; scales castaneous, subulate, up to 25 x 5.5 mm, margins short-fimbriate. Lamina elliptic, 1-or 2-pinnate-pinnatifid, up to 2 x 0.7 m, with up to 18 pinna pairs. Pinnae 1-pinnate-pinnatifid, oblong-acute to lanceolate, up to 430 x 150 mm, with up to 20 pinnule pairs; petioles up to 5 mm long. Sori up to 9 pairs per segment, circular. Indusium cupuliform, surrounding receptacle base.
Shrub or tree. Stem massive, up to 5 m high, crown without aphlebia. Fronds arching, lamina up to 2 m long, 3-pinnatifid to 3-pinnate, glabrous, abaxially with light brown hair-like scales on costules and veins; pinnule lobes narrowly oblong, margins entire to minutely crenate. Sporangia in circular, cyathiform sori borne in 2 rows along each side of costule.
Caudex stout, up to 450 mm in diameter and 5 m high. Aphlebia absent. Ultimate pinnule segments entire to subentire and set with hairlike costal scale below. Pinnae pinnate into linear to very narrowly oblong, acute to attenuate, pinnate pinnules.
Life form perennial
Growth form
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality -
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 5.0
Root system adventitious-root
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c3


Light 4-6
Soil humidity 5-7
Soil texture 3-4
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-10


Uses medicinal
Edible fronds leaves
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -12
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Alsophila dregei unspecified picture


Alsophila dregei world distribution map, present in Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Congo, Ghana, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Liberia, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mozambique, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, eSwatini, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe

Conservation status

Alsophila dregei threat status: Least Concern


WFO ID wfo-0001110754
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR)


Cyathea angolensis Cyathea burkei Cyathea flavovirens Cyathea dregei Cyathea polyphlebia Cyathea segregata Alsophila baroni Alsophila dregei Cyathea dregei var. polyphlebia Cyathea dregei var. segregata