Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) Kuntze

Brazilian joyweed (en)


Angiosperms > Caryophyllales > Amaranthaceae > Alternanthera


Perennial herb, decumbent at the base, higher up ascending-erect or clambering among and over other plants, often widely branched, 1.5-3 m high; all hairs minutely dentate; stem obtusangular or subterete, thickened and articulate above the nodes, on the younger parts densely clothed with appressed acroscopic long white hairs, gradually glabrescent. Pairs of leaves rather distant, blade ovate-lanceolate from a cuneate or contracted base, acuminate, acute, at first densely appressed pilose on both surfaces, slowly glabrescent, 3½-10 by ¾-4 cm; petiole ½-1¼ cm. Heads terminal, often in bifurcations of the stem, solitary or rarely 2-3 together, stalked, at first hemispheric-ovoid and 6-8 mm diam., afterwards increasing in size, ovoid-oblong, 12-16 by 10-12 mm; stalks at first short, lengthening with age, finally 6-16 cm, more or less densely clothed with appressed acroscopic long white hairs; rachis densely hairy; bracts and bracteoles long-ovate, acuminate, acute, yellowish white, 1-nerved; bracts 2½-3¼ mm, at first densely clothed with appressed long, white, for the greater part deciduous hairs; bracteoles considerably shorter than perianth, 3-3½ mm, on back long-hairy; persistent. Perianth distinctly stalked between bracteoles, falling off with the stalk; stalk ½-¾ mm long, at base with a whorl of patent longish hairs, thick, with 5 longitudinal ribs; ribs strong, at the base thickened and shining (not glandular). Tepals oblong-lanceolate, acute, strongly 3-nerved, yellowish white, at first on back appressed long-hairy, gradually losing most hairs, 4-5 mm long. Filaments (staminal cup included) 2-2.5 mm; anthers linear, 1 1/3-1.5mm; pseudo-staminodes narrow, slightly longer than stamens, shortly dentate at apex. Ovary obovoid; style 1/3-0.5 mm. Utricle ellipsoid, its top on both sides of the style with an obtuse knob, ± 2¼ mm long.
Perennial herb to 1.5(-2) m, sometimes vining (scandent), scrambling or fruticose; stems erect, spreading, with swollen, purple nodes; stems and young leaves densely appressed-tawny-pubescent. Petiole less than 1 cm long; blade elliptical, lanceolate or ovate, acuminate at apex, cuneate to rounded at base, 5-12.5 x 1.5-4.7 cm, green (reddish-purple in cultivar ‘Rubiginosa’, see note). Inflorescence axillary or terminal, 2-16 cm long pedunculate heads (rarely with a smaller, sessile head in addition to long-pedunculate ones); heads of numerous flowers, hemispherical and to 1 cm long, to conical and to 2.5 cm long, or shortly cylindrical; pedicels minute; bracts ovate to lance-acuminate, mucronate, hyaline, 1-veined, 2.8-4 mm long; bracteoles conduplicate, lanceolate, 4-5.1 mm long, acute, apiculate, serrulate, with stramineous, denticulate margin, pubescent on upper half of back, longer than tepals, with a prominently raised central vein along fold, enclosing tepals. Tepals, white, with hyaline, stramineous margin, narrowly lanceolate, 3.0-4.3 mm long, acute, apiculate, entire, 3-veined, appressed-puberulent on back in a line on the middle; stamens 5, anthers oblong, pseudostaminodia exceeding stamens, ligulate, apically incised or dentate; stigma capitate. Utricle oblong, 2.1 mm long; seeds deep red or brown, cylindrical or subglobose, 1.6-1.8 mm long, shining.
Herbs or subshrubs, annual or perennial, 5-6 dm. Stems erect, villous, glabrate. Leaves sessile; blade ovate to lanceolate, 1-7 × 0.7-1 cm, herbaceous, villous. Inflorescences terminal and axillary, pedunculate; heads white, globose, 0.7-1 cm diam.; bracts keeled, shorter than to equaling tepals. Flowers: tepals monomorphic, green to stramineous, lanceolate, 3-4 mm, apex acuminate, villous, hairs not barbed; stamens 5; pseudostaminodes ligulate, margins fimbriate. Utricles included within tepals, brown, ellipsoid, 2 mm, apex acute. Seeds ovoid-oblong, 1.4 mm.
A herb. It grows about 60-150 cm high. It is branched. It has swollen nodes. Young leaves are hairy. The leaves are oval to sword shaped and 5-12.5 cm long by 1.5-4.7 cm wide. The leaves can be red. The flowers are in a group at the top of the plant. These are 2-16 cm long. The flowers are in heads 1 cm long. The seeds are red or brown.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 1.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Naturalized around habitations, in waste lands and fallow land in west Africa. Moist, shaded localities on ravine slopes and stream banks, at elevations from 200-600 metres in Java.
Moist, shaded localities, 200-600 m, steep ravine slopes, stream banks, locally often gregarious.
It is a tropical plant.
Light 4-9
Soil humidity 5-7
Soil texture 3-4
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-11


Use: French Guiana: Plant used in a tea for angina (Oldeman BC. 25).
The leaves are cooked and eaten.
Uses environmental use medicinal tea
Edible leaves
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Can be grown by seedlings.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) 1
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Alternanthera brasiliana habit picture by Shehadi Ramiz (cc-by-sa)
Alternanthera brasiliana habit picture by Shehadi Ramiz (cc-by-sa)
Alternanthera brasiliana habit picture by Alex Greene (cc-by-sa)


Alternanthera brasiliana leaf picture by ANA ALTAMIRANO (cc-by-sa)
Alternanthera brasiliana leaf picture by odair luiz francisco (cc-by-sa)
Alternanthera brasiliana leaf picture by Leonardo (cc-by-sa)


Alternanthera brasiliana flower picture by Renato Samperio (cc-by-sa)
Alternanthera brasiliana flower picture by Machado Milena (cc-by-sa)
Alternanthera brasiliana flower picture by mansur zuri (cc-by-sa)


Alternanthera brasiliana world distribution map, present in Benin, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Barbados, Bhutan, Cameroon, Colombia, Dominica, Ecuador, Guadeloupe, Grenada, Guatemala, French Guiana, Guyana, Honduras, Indonesia, India, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Saint Lucia, Mexico, Montserrat, Martinique, Malaysia, Nicaragua, Peru, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Suriname, Thailand, United States of America, and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)


WFO ID wfo-0000528483
INPN ID 445378
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Alternanthera brasiliana f. obtusifolia Philoxerus brasiliana Telanthera brasiliana Gomphrena brasiliana Alternanthera straminea Alternanthera dentata Caraxeron brasiliense Gomphrena dentata Gomphrena patula Gomphrena brasiliensis Achyranthes geniculata Alternanthera straminea Alternanthera dentata f. pubescens Alternanthera dentata f. rubiginosa Gomphrena brasiliensis Gomphrena brasiliensis Alternanthera brasiliana var. glabriuscula Alternanthera brasiliana var. longiseta Alternanthera brasiliana var. sericea Alternanthera brasiliana var. straminea Alternanthera moquinii var. grandiceps Alternanthera brasiliana var. jacquinii Alternanthera brasiliana var. brasiliana Alternanthera brasiliana f. angustifolia Alternanthera brasiliana f. bicolor Alternanthera brasiliana f. rubicunda Achyranthes brasiliana Mogiphanes straminea Telanthera dentata Alternanthera brasiliana