Trees or shrubs. Leaves usually crowded at the apex of the twiglets; stipules interpetiolar, connate, often irregularly cleft, finally caducous. Inflorescences terminal or with short lateral axes, fasciculate, capitate or corymbose, the pe-duncle present or absent. Flowers dioecious, 5-6-merous, the calycine cup tu-bular, the teeth reduced or conspicuous; corolla cylindrical, sericeous on the outside, the lobes contorted; stamens included (male flowers), the anthers sessile, inserted near the middle or on the lower half of the tube; female flowers with the ovary 2-celled, the ovules numerous in each cell, horizontally and biseriately arranged. Fruits baccate, 2-celled; seeds numerous, horizontally disposed, tri-angular and rounded marginally, the testa fibrous.