A large spreading tree. It can be 15-20 m high. The bark is dark and scales into squares. The leaves are compound. They have 2-5 pairs of stalks each with 4-7 pairs of leaflets. The leaflets are rather large. They are oblong and 3 cm long by 2 cm wide. The flowers are of both sexes. They are cream and in spikes in the axils of leaves. They can be in pairs and hang down. The fruit is a very distinct pod. It is 17 cm long by 3.5 cm wide. They are glossy brown with 4 marked ridges. This makes the pods almost square in cross section.
Leaves: petiole 4-9 cm. long; rhachis 2-18 cm. long; pinnae 2-5(6) pairs, opposite or subopposite; leaflets 5-9(10) on each side of a pinna, 1·2-3 x 0·7-1·9 cm., elliptic to obovate-elliptic, usually emarginate at the apex, on petiolules 1·5-3 mm. long.
Tree 6-15(25) m. high, altogether glabrous; bark reticulate or scaly, grey or brown or blackish.
Flowers white except for yellow anthers, fading to yellow, on pedicels 1·5-3·5(5) mm. long.
Pods 8-17(20) x 2-3·5 cm., brown, glossy, blunt or ± pointed at the apex.
Racemes (3)6-18 cm. long, on peduncles 1-4·5 cm. long.
Stamen-filaments 5-6 mm. long.
Seeds 10-13 x 7-8 x 4-5 mm.
Petals 3-4·75 x 0·8-1·5 mm.
Calyx 0·5-1 mm. long.