Glabrous except for the young inflorescence and flowers sometimes softly pubescent. Leaves regularly verticillate (mostly quaternate); lamina lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, mostly 5-10 cm long, mostly 1.5-4 cm wide, attenuate to shortly cuneate at the base to a petiole 3-10 mm long, mostly acuminate and acute at the apex, dull or slightly glossy above, dull and distinctly paler below; venation pinnate with the midrib prominent below. Inflorescences at the nodes, pedunculate, mostly 4-(rarely 2-to 6-)rayed umbels of triads with all flowers pedicellate; peduncle 10-40(-60) mm long; rays 3-8 mm long; pedicels 1-2 mm long. Corolla in mature bud mostly 4-merous, 18-28 mm long, slender, weakly clavate and obtuse at the apex, frequently red below and orange or yellow above. Anther 2-3 mm long, about equal to the free part of the filament.