Glabrous except for the inflorescence (especially the rays) and the ovary usually with an indumentum of sparse to dense short stiff erect brown or buff hairs. Leaves verticil-late in whorls of 3-6 or sometimes more; lamina narrowly ovate to ovate, mostly 10-25 cm long, mostly 4-8 cm wide, cuneate at the base to a petiole mostly 10-35 mm long, shortly acuminate and acute at the apex, lustrous olive above, dull brown below; venation pinnate with the midrib and the main laterals faintly visible on both sides. Inflorescences at the nodes and along the epicortical runners, pedunculate 9-to 12-rayed umbels of triads with all flowers pedicellate; peduncle 10-30 mm long, globose at the apex with a deflexed lip; rays mostly 3.5-5.5 mm long; pedicels variable, 0.2-3 mm long. Corolla in mature bud 4-merous, 25-40 mm long, slender, weakly clavate and acute at the apex, pink or red below and yellow or green above. Anther 2-3.5 mm long, slightly shorter than the free part of the filament.