Andrographis paniculata (Burm.F.) Wall.


Angiosperms > Lamiales > Acanthaceae > Andrographis


Herbs to 50 cm tall, annual, much branched. Stems 4-angled, glabrous. Petiole 0.3-1 cm; leaf blade ovate-lanceolate, lanceolate, or narrowly elliptic, 1.5-7 × 1-2.5 cm, both surfaces glabrous, abaxially pale green, adaxially green, secondary veins 3-5 on each side of midvein, base attenuate and decurrent onto petiole, margin entire, apex acute to shortly acuminate. Inflorescences terminal, leafy panicles of secund racemes; rachis glabrous to sparsely pubescent; bracts triangular to subulate, 1-1.5 mm; bracteoles linear to subulate, 1-1.5 mm. Pedicel 2-9 mm, sparsely pubescent with gland-tipped and non-glandular trichomes (gland-tipped pubescent). Calyx 2.5-3 mm, outside glabrous or gland-tipped pubescent, lobes subulate. Corolla white, 0.9-1.5 cm, outside gland-tipped pubescent; tube basally funnelform for 4-8 mm; lower lip with purple dots, 5-7 mm, erect, lobes ca. 3 mm; upper lip 5-7 mm, reflexed, 2-lobed, lobes ca. 1 mm. Stamens exserted from corolla tube. Style 6-10 mm, sparsely pilose toward base. Capsule ellipsoid-compressed, 1.5-2 × 0.3-0.4 cm, glabrous or sparsely pubescent with gland-tipped trichomes, ca. 12-seeded. Seeds ca. 2 × 1.5 mm, rugose. Fl. and fr. throughout year. 2n = 50.
A herb. It grows 50 cm tall. It grows each year from seed. The stems are 4 angled and much branched. The leaves are oval and 2-7 cm long by 1-3 cm wide. They are pale green underneath. The flowers are at the top of the plant. They are tube shaped. They are white and there are purple dots on the lower lip.
Life form
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) 1.0
Mature height (meter) 0.8
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months
Fruit color -
Fruiting months
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Village groves, roadsides, waste places, open sandy locations and fields, but also in monsoon and teak forest receiving only 10-20% of full light, at elevations from sea level to 1,600 metres.
It is a tropical and subtropical plant. In XTBG Yunnan.
Light 3-8
Soil humidity 3-7
Soil texture 1-6
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


The shoots are normally mixed with other vegetables.
Uses medicinal ornamental
Edible leaves stems
Therapeutic use Antipyretics (aerial part), Diarrhea (aerial part), Dysentery (aerial part), Dyspepsia (aerial part), Fever (aerial part), Hemorrhoids (aerial part), Jaundice (aerial part), Liver diseases (aerial part), Pruritus (aerial part), Skin diseases (aerial part), Urination disorders (aerial part), Wounds and injuries (aerial part), Jaundice (bark), Abdominal pain (leaf), Anthelmintics (leaf), Anti-bacterial agents (leaf), Antipyretics (leaf), Aphrodisiacs (leaf), Appetite stimulants (leaf), Asthenia (leaf), Cholagogues and choleretics (leaf), Cholera (leaf), Constipation (leaf), Diarrhea (leaf), Dysentery (leaf), Dyspepsia (leaf), Eczema (leaf), Filariasis (leaf), Flatulence (leaf), Gastrointestinal diseases (leaf), Liver diseases (leaf), Liver failure (leaf), Lung diseases (leaf), Malaria (leaf), Menstruation disturbances (leaf), Neuralgia (leaf), Pyelonephritis (leaf), General tonic for rejuvenation (leaf), Stomach diseases (leaf), Wound healing (leaf), Anthelmintics (rhizome), Antipyretics (rhizome), Appetite stimulants (rhizome), Fever (rhizome), Abdominal pain (root), Anthelmintics (root), Antipyretics (root), Antirheumatic agents (root), Appetite stimulants (root), Bites and stings (root), Cholagogues and choleretics (root), Fever (root), Intestinal diseases, parasitic (root), Laxatives (root), Liver diseases (root), General tonic for rejuvenation (root), Ulcer (root), Whooping cough (root), Contraceptive agents (stem), General tonic for rejuvenation (stem), Abscess (unspecified), Ache(Stomach) (unspecified), Alterative (unspecified), Anodyne (unspecified), Anthelminthic (unspecified), Astringent (unspecified), Bite(Dog) (unspecified), Bite(Snake) (unspecified), Bugbite (unspecified), Cholera (unspecified), Colic (unspecified), Tuberculosis (unspecified), Detoxicant (unspecified), Diabetes (unspecified), Diarrhea (unspecified), Dysentery (unspecified), Enteritis (unspecified), Febrifuge (unspecified), Fever (unspecified), Malaria (unspecified), Phthisis (unspecified), Pyelonephritis (unspecified), Splenitis (unspecified), Stomachic (unspecified), Swelling (unspecified), Tonic (unspecified), Tonsillitis (unspecified), Alexipharmic (unspecified), Antiseptic (unspecified), Bactericide (unspecified), Gastritis (unspecified), Intestine (unspecified), Laxative (unspecified), Pneumonia (unspecified), Rabies (unspecified), Immunostimulant (unspecified), Anemia (unspecified), Anthelmintics (unspecified), Anti-inflammatory agents (unspecified), Antipruritics (unspecified), Antipyretics (unspecified), Appetite stimulants (unspecified), Asthenia (unspecified), Bites and stings (unspecified), Blood pressure regulation (unspecified), Bronchitis (unspecified), Constipation (unspecified), Contraceptive agents (unspecified), Convalescence (unspecified), Cough (unspecified), Diabetes mellitus (unspecified), Diarrhea, infantile (unspecified), Digestive system diseases (unspecified), Dysmenorrhea (unspecified), Dyspepsia (unspecified), Eczema (unspecified), Edema (unspecified), Expectorants (unspecified), Flatulence (unspecified), Gonorrhea (unspecified), Hematologic diseases (unspecified), Hemorrhage (unspecified), Hemorrhoids (unspecified), Hepatitis (unspecified), Hepatitis, viral, human (unspecified), Hypohidrosis (unspecified), Influenza, human (unspecified), Insecticides (unspecified), Intestinal diseases, parasitic (unspecified), Jaundice (unspecified), Laxatives (unspecified), Leprosy (unspecified), Lice infestations (unspecified), Liver diseases (unspecified), Neuralgia (unspecified), Anti-poisoning (unspecified), Pruritus (unspecified), General tonic for rejuvenation (unspecified), Scabies (unspecified), Scorpion stings (unspecified), Skin diseases (unspecified), Snake bites (unspecified), Splenic diseases (unspecified), Splenomegaly (unspecified), Stomach diseases (unspecified), Tuberculosis, pulmonary (unspecified), Ulcer (unspecified), Urination disorders (unspecified), Vitiligo (unspecified), Wound healing (unspecified), Wounds and injuries (unspecified), Child health (unspecified), Antiperiodic (unspecified), Depurative (unspecified), Analgesics (whole plant), Anthelmintics (whole plant), Anti-bacterial agents (whole plant), Antidotes (whole plant), Antiparasitic agents (whole plant), Antipyretics (whole plant), Astringents (whole plant), Bronchitis (whole plant), Cholera (whole plant), Diabetes mellitus (whole plant), Diarrhea, infantile (whole plant), Digestive system diseases (whole plant), Dysentery (whole plant), Eczema (whole plant), Edema (whole plant), Fever (whole plant), Gonorrhea (whole plant), Hemorrhoids (whole plant), Influenza, human (whole plant), Jaundice (whole plant), Liver diseases (whole plant), Malaria (whole plant), Pruritus (whole plant), Snake bites (whole plant), Stomach diseases (whole plant), Thrombotic microangiopathies (whole plant), Typhoid fever (whole plant)
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Plants can be grown by seeds, cuttings or stems that have developed roots.
Mode cuttings seedlings
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment soaking
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) 20 - 30
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Andrographis paniculata habit picture by Prasanta Hembram (cc-by-sa)


Andrographis paniculata leaf picture by Jagadeeswaran Kannan (cc-by-sa)
Andrographis paniculata leaf picture by Prakash Rudraraju (cc-by-sa)


Andrographis paniculata flower picture by Prasanta Hembram (cc-by-sa)
Andrographis paniculata flower picture by Rejitha Stalin (cc-by-sa)
Andrographis paniculata flower picture by Neeraj Neeraj Tiwari (cc-by-sa)


Andrographis paniculata fruit picture by Prasanta Hembram (cc-by-sa)
Andrographis paniculata fruit picture by Jagadeeswaran Kannan (cc-by-sa)


Andrographis paniculata world distribution map, present in Australia, Bangladesh, Bahamas, Barbados, China, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Indonesia, Jamaica, Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Palau, Singapore, United States of America, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Viet Nam


WFO ID wfo-0000534069
INPN ID 455874
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Justicia paniculata Andrographis paniculata Andrographis paniculata var. glandulosa Justicia latebrosa