Plants perennial, 80–100 cm. Root brown, conic, branched. Stem thinly ribbed, puberulent. Basal and lower leaves petiolate, petioles 7–12 cm, sheaths small; blade broad-ovate, 10–20 cm, 3-ternate-pinnate, pinnae long-petiolulate; leaflets subsessile, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 1.5–4 × 0.7–2 cm, base broad-cuneate, margin inconspicuously serrulate, apex acuminate, hispid along nerves adaxially. Peduncles 10–15 cm, pubescent; bracts absent; rays 40–60, 3–6 cm, up to 12 cm in fruit, unequal, scabrous; bracteoles 6–8, linear-lanceolate, apex long-aristate; pedicels 20–30, 3–6 mm, puberulent. Calyx teeth obsolete. Petals white, obovate, notched. Fruit ellipsoid or suborbicular, 5–7 mm; dorsal ribs prominent, lateral ribs broad-winged; vittae 1 in each furrow, 2 on commissure. Fl. and fr. Aug–Nov.