Leaf, buds, and twig fugaceous golden puberulent. Twig c. 2 mm ø apically, terete, rugulose, dark chocolate-brown; internodes c. 1.5 cm long; stipule scar short, horizontal. Leaf bud 2 by 2 mm, ovoid, subacute. Stipule unknown. Leaf 4.5-13 by 2.2-5.5 cm, elliptic-obovate, coriaceous; base broadly cuneate; apex tapering abruptly to a c. 5 mm long, short acumen; nerves 9-14 pairs, prominent beneath, arched, at 50°-55°; tertiary nerves subreticulate; midrib applanate or somewhat depressed above, prominent beneath. Petiole 15-35 mm long, c. 2 mm ø, terete, prominently geniculate and swollen distally, drying black. Panicle to 6 cm long, 2 mm ø at base (in fruit); terminal or axillary, short, terete, ± persistently golden pubescent, singly branched. Bud to 8 by 3 mm, fusiform. Calyx lobes narrowly deltoid, unequal, valvate. Petals cream, lorate, pubescent on parts exposed in bud. Stamens c. 35, subequal; filaments short, compressed; anthers oblong, attenuate; appendage to connective filiform. Stylopodium oblong, obtuse, pubescent. Fruit pedicel 4 mm long, c. 3 mm ø, stout, prominent. Calyx sparsely caducous golden pubescent; tube to 2 cm ø, subglobose; 2 longer calyx lobes to 13 by 3 cm, lorate-spatulate, obtuse, tapering to c. 9 mm broad above the tube; 3 shorter lobes to 20 by 3 mm, linear-lanceolate, acute. Nut apex densely persistently yellow-brown pubescent, crowned by a c. 4 mm long, 3 mm ø, oblong obtuse pubescent stylopodium.