A herb. It takes 2 years to complete its life cycle. It has spindle shaped fleshy roots. It grows 50 cm tall. The stems are slender with lines along them and are yellow-green. The leaves have deep lobes and each lobe is deeply divided. They are spreading and sword shaped. They are light green with a purple tinge. The flowers have 3-8 rays in a flat topped group 3-4 cm long. The flowers are small and white with a dark stripe along them. The fruit are oblong and pale yellow.
Like A. altiscapa but plants up to 1 m; roots 1 or 2, leaves dry or present at flowering, segments oblong, fruit 5-7 mm long and mericarps heteromorphic, both with prominent marginal ribs but the one with a more prominent median rib and the other with more prominent lateral ribs.