Flowers subsessile (female) or with pedicels c. 0.7–1.5(2) mm. long (male), in clusters of many (very many:female) at nodes, inflorescences dimorphic, in female compact, ± cylindrical inflorescence zones 20–45(70) mm. long and 15–20 mm. in diam.; corolla 4-merous (very rarely 5-merous), greenish-yellow, sometimes buds purplish tinged, at least in male hairy outside.
Female: tube 0.3–0.5(0.8) mm. long, lobes 0.2–0.5 x 0.1–0.2 mm.; style (0.5)2–5(6.5) mm. long, stigmas (4.8)6–14 mm. long (much shorter in odd hermaphrodite); ovary 0.7–1 x 0.6–0.8 mm., with 4 indistinct calyx lobes or calyx lobes ± lacking.
Male (odd hermaphrodite): tube (0.5)0.7–1 mm. long, (± narrowly) funnel-shaped, lobes 1.5–2.4 x 0.6–1 mm.; anthers 1.2–1.7 mm. long; male: minute, hardly discernible rudimentary ovary.
Fruit reddish-brown; mericarps (1.5)1.8–2.2(2.4) x 0.8–1 mm., ± oblong to obovate, glabrous, with 2 indistinct, ± triangular calyx lobes 0.1–0.2 mm. long or calyx lobes ± lacking.
Dioecious or ± dioecious (male or female plants occasionally with odd hermaphrodite flowers) shrub, single-stemmed, erect, 1-3 m. tall.
Stems much-branched above, branches ascending to ± erect, densely covered with greyish-white hairs 0.2–0.7 mm. long.